Software To Create Good YouTube Video Thumbnails?

I use Photoshop CS6. Honestly, it may seem overwhelming, but I taught myself how to use Photoshop when I was 11. You'll get the hang of it :D

That is true. I taught myself Photoshop as well, but what you can also do is look up various tutorials online in terms of how to produced certain kinds of images. Most of the time, it's not just about learning certain functions unless you're editing photography. If you really want to get the best out of Photoshop, you need to really get creative.
I use Photoshop, but it can be tough to master. Here's a list of other programs that should do the trick, most of them are free or pretty cheap. Most of them should have tutorials around the web, too.
PC alternatives:
Mac Alternatives:
Cross Platform/Browser-Based:
-Inkscape (recommend this one pretty highly, it's one I've actually tried out. Fairly simple to use but has a lot of features)
I haven't used each and every one of these, but these are ones I've heard of or have friends that use them.
I always found Photoshop to be too complex for me. That's why i always use GIMP. A great software that can do lots of things Photoshop can. And what's really awesome is that it's free! I usually use GIMP, MS Paint, Windows Live Movie Maker, and Snipping Tool to make thumbnails:)
We use Photoshop CS5, once you get good, the quality of your thumbnails improves greatly, but if i'm honest, even having good software won't simply make your thumbnails great. you have to have some good art sense. Also have a set theme/style, that way it all ties in nicely to your channel and your brand can be noticed in amongst many others in a search.
I use Gimp like a lot of the others here, and I'm going to re-recommend Inkscape. It's a very nice free vector graphics tool, like Adobe Illustrator except not $600. The advantage of vector graphics is that they are made with lines and calculations instead of pixels, so within the program you can scale things all you want and not lose quality. That being said, I don't make or use custom thumbnails, that's something I should start doing.
It is really easy to learn, but it's also super expensive...

Yeah thats very true too. Im surprised how they are able to shift any units of the software at the price it is. but i will say this, once you have it, you never go back