so for example if I'm avg 6000K a month. realistically what range should I be looking at. I know what I was seeing before I partnered and after so I guess I'm just a little disappointed as I was sold on the we place better ads on your videos to get you more money. Which may be true but after the cut what difference does it make?
6000k is 6M so my old answer x6 = 16800 , again though it depends on so many factors.

"I was sold on the we place better ads" yes you do want to go to a network that has a good ad sales team, some have have such a bad one that a 1-2$ CPM would be normal.
I was just looking at the big time players to see what they were alleged to be making that's all. I think they make a heck of a lot more than what it shows.
Not really, infact unlikely because 1) those earnings are of 1000 views not 1000 monetizable views and ii) that`s before the network`s cut.
6000k is 6M so my old answer x6 = 16800 , again though it depends on so many factors.

"I was sold on the we place better ads" yes you do want to go to a network that has a good ad sales team, some have have such a bad one that a 1-2$ CPM would be normal.

I was asked to join and approached by RPM/Maker and thought man maybe they'll be able to help me and honestly they have they've helped with optimization and I have seen an increase in my views but I can't get people to hit the subscribe button. I have about 90K views and only 37 videos. 1 of those videos has about 40K views and is my money maker. It's where I see the most money come in from.

I guess I can't complain too much since I signed with them, my views have gone up over 50% and I get at least 1-2 subs a day. I would hope for a better ratio of subs but views are what makes the money.
I was asked to join and approached by RPM/Maker and thought man maybe they'll be able to help me and honestly they have they've helped with optimization and I have seen an increase in my views but I can't get people to hit the subscribe button. I have about 90K views and only 37 videos. 1 of those videos has about 40K views and is my money maker. It's where I see the most money come in from.

I guess I can't complain too much since I signed with them, my views have gone up over 50% and I get at least 1-2 subs a day. I would hope for a better ratio of subs but views are what makes the money.
Do note that it`s only March, CPMs are still quite low.
Do note that it`s only March, CPMs are still quite low.

Yeah I guess I need to read and do some more homework to understand it all. How did you get so good at all this my friend? I mean I know it's all numbers and x & o's but do you have any background in this besides just having a channel?
I was asked to join and approached by RPM/Maker and thought man maybe they'll be able to help me and honestly they have they've helped with optimization and I have seen an increase in my views but I can't get people to hit the subscribe button. I have about 90K views and only 37 videos. 1 of those videos has about 40K views and is my money maker. It's where I see the most money come in from.

I guess I can't complain too much since I signed with them, my views have gone up over 50% and I get at least 1-2 subs a day. I would hope for a better ratio of subs but views are what makes the money.

1-2 subs a day is good. Also if your with RPM you probably have a good CPM , I'm with them and my CPM is good.
Yeah I guess I need to read and do some more homework to understand it all. How did you get so good at all this my friend? I mean I know it's all numbers and x & o's but do you have any background in this besides just having a channel?

He's a recruiter and runs a sub network