Recieved first dislike feel like crying :(

All my videos with little views, around 20-30 only has likes because my friends obviously only watched them.
You should be proud with a dislike, it means someone else actually watched your video.

Also, usually when I promote my videos on gaming forums, when they reach the 50+ views, I always get 1+ dislike. It's just haters. At least from gaming forums, always that 1 guy who hates "people promoting their videos", they go to your video, dislike, leave no feedback, and move on. So my advice is to just ignore them.

I'm proud of all my videos, and I won't upload them if they suck, I know they are at least decent/watchable. However, if I get 5+ dislikes then I might consider if I actually did something s****y. But 1-2 dislikes here and there, ignore them. :)
At least you are getting some reaction from your viewers. My channel has 0 likes and 0 dislikes with 1,439 views. I do have one tip, hold all of your comments for review. This will allow you to eliminate the hate crap.
At least you are getting some reaction from your viewers. My channel has 0 likes and 0 dislikes with 1,439 views. I do have one tip, hold all of your comments for review. This will allow you to eliminate the hate crap.
What do you mean?
Go ahead, as you gain more public, more faithful tanners you will have and no one will play with your channel, this is very annoying but battle goes! Also try to understand why a person wouldn't enjoyyour video.
If you hold all of your comments for review then if you have some one that is spamming your channel with negative comments for whatever reason then you can eliminate these type of comments.
I didn't know this learn something new everyday.