Promo video for YTtalk Ideas


I Love YTtalk
Hey everyone, I was wondering what you think would make a good promotional video for YTtalk, this video would be to promote the forums and would be downloadable by members to upload if they fancied helping the forums out. I was thinking of a forum collaboration where you would submit portions of video that I could use and edit it into the video in some way although I am not sure how I could make that work. Does anyone have any ideas because I dont just want to make the same as the one I currently have on my channel, it would be like repeating it even if it was slightly different or more in depth. Any input would be appreciated :)

Thank you.
no ideas.

Just make a cool looking promotional video of the site with a cool intro..say how smooth the site is....that the site will get you hundreds subs in no time and stuff.

Thats all from me.
Oh it isnt for subs, it is to help promote this place :D I am liking Panamaraman's idea, I am sure I spelled that wrong but its close. He thinks that a collab to promote the forums could work well.
That would be a really cool idea, i could make some animations for the vid and we could make it a rap song by letting MegaCode rap and every member posts an unlisted video with him/her saying what he/she likes about the forum. Everybody can do something so we can show the world(... youtube at least) what the combined forced of our forum can do.
i am going to think about it. i am all for something cute and funny, at the end reveals yttalk url.....some brainstorming needed
Were currently doing this, if anyone is serious about doing it let me know and I will add you to the group conversation, the deadline for getting recordings in is however the end of this week :)