Pewdiepie gets DMCA takedown(s) by game devs

It's because Felix, as top youtuber (technically) is the face of youtube. Family guy is a production team where as Pewdiepie is just a guy who can over talk. Wall street journal pressured the ad companies into this move due to content creaters, not due to family guy, a show with a production team. It's easy to blame the little guy. The way I see it Pewdiepie is the victim (sure he has done wrong but he has been thrown under the bus).

I understand what you mean but it's not fair for someone to be treated one way and a production company another.

Pewdiepie has now apologised. The apology came in a video on his channel, posted today, titled “My Response.”

“It’s not that I think I can say or do whatever I want and get away with it. That’s not it at all. I’m just an idiot,” Felix Kjellberg, aka PewDiePie, said to viewers.

(I'm not going to link to his video - I don't think he needs / deserves the extra views anyway.)

Pewdiepie has now apologised. The apology came in a video on his channel, posted today, titled “My Response.”

“It’s not that I think I can say or do whatever I want and get away with it. That’s not it at all. I’m just an idiot,” Felix Kjellberg, aka PewDiePie, said to viewers.

(I'm not going to link to his video - I don't think he needs / deserves the extra views anyway.)

Well, at least he's admitted he's an idiot. Hopefully, Youtube's wrath won't happen.
This is asinine. You're acting like people are forming an angry mob and trying to kill pewdiepie.

Part of free speech is being allowed to be critical of people and services in the eye of the public. We can tolerate what Pewdiepie said and still be critical of him. Blasting him a new ******* in the form of text isn't killing him, it isn't taking him off the platform; calm down.

The N word Pewdiepie said, isn't used in black culture like the word dude. You're thinking about "*****"; not the original version (the latter was said). Also, you don't have any merit in speaking on how that word means to black people, their ancestry.

Pewdiepie got dropped from disney for making anti Semitic jokes. He made them several times before an article caught attention of disney that got him dropped.

Pewdiepie got a lot of racks. Maybe he's less grounded to reality and being more of himself & less of the persona. Especially since this was a stream where personas are more relaxed anyway. Seems more plausible and with the flags before this indicate a strong case of being racist or at the very least prejudiced towards black people.

oooooooooooo no I said an opinion against pewdiepie. How dare I not sit here and accept Pewd's racism... even though there's no way Pewd's will feel and be discouraged by my statement. ooooo I'm such a fascist for simply being critical of the #1 youtuber who greatly affects this platform for all of us.

Reality Check: Being critical doesn't equate to grabbing pitch forks & torches and chasing him off the platform. And if a majority of the platform uses free speech to organize a boycott against him then by god may the free speech rights of the many outweigh the free speech rights of the few & get him off the platform.

If you keep the scope on the DMCA legal issue then yeah the developer is in the wrong as a blanket permission statement was on his website before, during & after pewdiepie's upload. But pewdiepie doesn't exactly deserve a pat on the back and a hot cocoa. Where's a verbal apology? He didn't say "*****" like a lot of black gamers do or rap lyrics have. He used the old slave term. You can't blame that on rap or black gamers.

That's definitely the most hypocritical rant I've seen in a while. You're obviously hostile about the subject and looking for someone to fight with over it. My opinion on the subject was, and still is, "meh". But you trying to maintain the moral high ground while spewing bigotry, that's hard to do.

...Moving on... I don't think Pewdipie affect YouTube as a platform, nor do I see him as the face of YouTube, but I do find it interesting that he lost the monetization he did and rather than do everything in his power to get it back, he chose to double down and continue losing it. He shows up... what, every week or so... with some new scandal. Either he's a spoiled child acting as spoiled children do, or he's got money coming in from another avenue and benefits from the publicity.
That's definitely the most hypocritical rant I've seen in a while. You're obviously hostile about the subject and looking for someone to fight with over it. My opinion on the subject was, and still is, "meh". But you trying to maintain the moral high ground while spewing bigotry, that's hard to do.

...Moving on... I don't think Pewdipie affect YouTube as a platform, nor do I see him as the face of YouTube, but I do find it interesting that he lost the monetization he did and rather than do everything in his power to get it back, he chose to double down and continue losing it. He shows up... what, every week or so... with some new scandal. Either he's a spoiled child acting as spoiled children do, or he's got money coming in from another avenue and benefits from the publicity.

You're trying to use the "respect of free speech" to hush other people's opinions & you don't see the hypocrisy in your own statement. Have some modesty, you're not hot stuff with your 11 subs in 7 months dawg.

Also you seem more hostile about the subject. I was critical on merits of discussion and a hyperbole on your statement to poke away merit at it with satire.

You on the other hand were quick to judge me as a person. That way you could wash away my merits like a politician would in a debate; in the quickest manner possible. I can be critical of someone in a forum without being "hostile" Just like how you can defend pewdiepie and somehow feel "meh" about the subject.

Just because I come from the opposite side of things doesn't mean I get the antagonist connotative value and you get the protagonist connotative value. Your ego is showing buddy.

Maybe I just like being a melodramatic writer & will BS on any subject. Do you somehow know my psyche after a text derivative analysis? Which university offered forum psychology classes? I'm highly interested how you know I'm brewing a storm over "this subject matter" I am after all creating a crude cartoon that will be profoundly parodying personas on this platform & contain satire elements as well. You think because I disagreed with you I'm the one that is being hostile? That's a pathetic excuse to dismiss the points I made. You're on a forum, expect to converge based on the merits of the discussion. It's redundant to be on a forum to be an intolerant dickweed

Pewdiepie has now apologised. The apology came in a video on his channel, posted today, titled “My Response.”

“It’s not that I think I can say or do whatever I want and get away with it. That’s not it at all. I’m just an idiot,” Felix Kjellberg, aka PewDiePie, said to viewers.

(I'm not going to link to his video - I don't think he needs / deserves the extra views anyway.)
He apologised straight after he said it and even in last nights livestream. If I recall he said something along the lines of, "It's great that you guys are so supportive but I needed to apologise and it was wrong of me to do so. Sorry if I ignore you but I don't really want to talk about it. I think we should just all move on before we give people any more fuel."

He also said sorry in the original stream and he said he meant to say A-Hole and not that.

I honestly feel it's a mistake and basically a slip of the tongue.
I don't agree with what he said and I hope he never says it again, but I don't agree with Campo Santo's reaction either. I went and checked Campo Santo's video policy as well and they do allow streams & videos despite the developer/co-founder saying that they don't and so the contradictions begin. While I still don't agree with what PewDiePie said, the video policy didn't lay out any ground rules. Usually a video policy will outline what you can and can't talk about, Ubisoft's is a good example of a proper video policy, they made it clear they don't want their videos used in a specific way and that's fine.

The DMCA is uncalled for. It has nothing to do with the situation and I feel like the devs are just trying to make themselves look cool & benevolent among other fellow SJWs. He's (the co-founder) sick of "this child making money" off his hard work... like a year after PewDiePie made the videos for Firewatch? NOW he's sick of it? Not when PewDiePie made the videos way back then, but now? Give me a f*****g break. What a tool.

I'm glad it backfired on them though, they deserved it. And the co-founder then even went on to say if he had a way to contact PewDiePie he would have... yet PewDiePie's email is accessible via his YouTube channel, it's managed by someone else but it's there. He made his bed and now he's struggling to sleep in it lol I don't know why anyone would think a false DMCA takedown would work especially after H3H3 literally just won a lawsuit filed against them for using someone else's footage. The judge even stated that the footage was required for context (they actually didn't specify that the footage HAD to have commentary over it) and if it reached court, the same could apply for Firewatch footage.

I also don't think this will have a negative effect on YouTubers but then again, I didn't think any indie developer was dumb enough to go after a guy who can afford more laywers than they can, tenfold -.-

Pewdiepie has now apologised. The apology came in a video on his channel, posted today, titled “My Response.”

“It’s not that I think I can say or do whatever I want and get away with it. That’s not it at all. I’m just an idiot,” Felix Kjellberg, aka PewDiePie, said to viewers.

(I'm not going to link to his video - I don't think he needs / deserves the extra views anyway.)
Is he just going to let that copyright strike stay?this will be bad news for gamers if he does.