Pewdiepie gets DMCA takedown(s) by game devs

Is he just going to let that copyright strike stay?this will be bad news for gamers if he does.

I highly doubt pewdiepie got a strike. I also doubt the dev in question actually did issue any DCMA takedown. IMHO, he was just posturing / ranting about the whole thing. Even if pewdiepie got 5 strikes, his channel would never be terminated by YouTube. Again, that's all IMHO. :)
You're trying to use the "respect of free speech" to hush other people's opinions & you don't see the hypocrisy in your own statement. Have some modesty, you're not hot stuff with your 11 subs in 7 months dawg.

Also you seem more hostile about the subject. I was critical on merits of discussion and a hyperbole on your statement to poke away merit at it with satire.

You on the other hand were quick to judge me as a person. That way you could wash away my merits like a politician would in a debate; in the quickest manner possible. I can be critical of someone in a forum without being "hostile" Just like how you can defend pewdiepie and somehow feel "meh" about the subject.

Just because I come from the opposite side of things doesn't mean I get the antagonist connotative value and you get the protagonist connotative value. Your ego is showing buddy.

Maybe I just like being a melodramatic writer & will BS on any subject. Do you somehow know my psyche after a text derivative analysis? Which university offered forum psychology classes? I'm highly interested how you know I'm brewing a storm over "this subject matter" I am after all creating a crude cartoon that will be profoundly parodying personas on this platform & contain satire elements as well. You think because I disagreed with you I'm the one that is being hostile? That's a pathetic excuse to dismiss the points I made. You're on a forum, expect to converge based on the merits of the discussion. It's redundant to be on a forum to be an intolerant dickweed

Awww.... how sweet, you checked out my channel... you should have subscribed!

I highly doubt pewdiepie got a strike. I also doubt the dev in question actually did issue any DCMA takedown. IMHO, he was just posturing / ranting about the whole thing. Even if pewdiepie got 5 strikes, his channel would never be terminated by YouTube. Again, that's all IMHO. :)

Crown, I agree on the posturing, but... do you think Pewdiepie's channel is too valuable to YouTube to terminate? With their push over the last year to a more network oriented platform it makes me wonder if they're considering him a small fish now as they attempt to land bigger game (i.e. networks & studios).
I disagree with the idea they will start to consider him a small fish...57m subs for ONE person is more than some channels have combined.
57m subs for ONE person is more than some channels have combined.

I totally agree, that is no doubt an inarguable truth! But as great as subscribers are (and they are!) video views equals ad sales. And while Pewdiepie averages 5m views per video he does so without generating ad revenue for YouTube. Where as top slot TV shows bring in 12m viewers per show and movies like Beauty and the Beast raked in 57m tickets sold. Both of which have tremendous revenue generating ability.
do you think Pewdiepie's channel is too valuable to YouTube to terminate? With their push over the last year to a more network oriented platform it makes me wonder if they're considering him a small fish now as they attempt to land bigger game (i.e. networks & studios).

I agree his channel is considered less valuable now than a few years ago. Particularly after all the ad boycott stuff. But I just don't think YouTube would pull the trigger and terminate it. I think the only way his channel could possibly get terminated would be if some big-hitting advertisers called for it, ie another wave of ad boycotts in protest at pewdiepie specifically.

I remember back in the day when the biggest channel on Youtube was Ray William Johnson. He was rumoured to have had 5 strikes on his channel but it never got terminated. Money talks I guess.
I think the power of a strike lasts for like 6 months or something, and after that it sort of goes inactive (but don't quote me on that... =/ ). I'd imagine people could get lots of strikes on their account if the strikes were spaced out enough, but I'm not entirely sure... =/

Pewdiepie posted a video talking about the video takedown. Apparently he put the video on private, but still got a copyright strike and the video taken down by the developer. He was actually kind of serious and normal-sounding in the video, which was refreshing compared to his screaming/rant videos. It'd be nice if he did more "normal talking" videos...
I honestly feel like the whole thing is being blown out of proportion... it was an honest mistake. Maybe he shouldn't have used the word, but it sincerely should not be such a big issue. America is past the slavery phase in history and it's childish that everyone is still getting upset by it. It's time to stop giving the word power, the more people get upset by the use of it, the more it continues to be powerful.