Gaming PC gaming group

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Active Member
I am Jammy951, I am looking for more people to join a collaboration group that is already established.
Games we play are a mixture;
Rocket League
Minecraft and so on....

We have a group of 70+ members and are looking for more active members so be able to hold our own comps ect.
All we require is that you are atleast 15+ (if under please message as might be able to come to arrangement) and that you have a decent mic and are active in chat.

If interested message me on discord: Jammy951#9107

I am interested, I've been wanting to colab for a while now. I don't have Ark, Rocket League or Conan but I have Minecraft and Fortnite and Portal 2 and stuff like that.
Discord: TheClips#2948
I am interested, I've been wanting to colab for a while now. I don't have Ark, Rocket League or Conan but I have Minecraft and Fortnite and Portal 2 and stuff like that.
Discord: TheClips#2948
your discord name not working for me, i have tried to add, try adding me
I have a minecraft rocket league and some other stuff ( warframe, bf1, gta5)

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