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Hello JTAphotographs,

I would like to have informations on your Network The United Gamers :)

I currently have over 300 subs and i am growing up quickly. I would like to know if we can work something out. You need to know that my channel is in French...

Let me know if something is possible :)

Thank You
Got a question, if i theoretically wanted to go with a network but didnt want any money for doing it would they be more likely to offer something for less subs etc? would really like 2 know
Got a question, if i theoretically wanted to go with a network but didnt want any money for doing it would they be more likely to offer something for less subs etc? would really like 2 know
Do you mean you want to be partnered so you can take advantage of partner banners and custom thumbnails or something?

Unfortunately, no network is going to partner you without giving them consent to put ads on your videos (ie make money) so if you want to get partnered without allowing the network to make money it's just not going to happen.

If all you mean is that you would be willing to give the network the entire share of your money in the contract in exchange for partnering you I'm unsure if they would partner a smaller channel. I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask one of them. They are still putting their reputation on the line and their relationships with their ad providers by partnering you so you would have to have good content but they might be willing to lower the requirements if you take less/no money.

Also, from what I've seen very few networks care about how many subs you have. Most want to know how many views your videos receive as views = money.
Sorry but you can't get partnership without making money. One more thing make the most of being unpartnered cause when you do get partnership sometimes it feels more like a job which takes some of the thrill away.
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