Overall growth guide for new/small channels.

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do you think i should completely eradicate all lets plays from my channel. just completely delete them from my channel or do you think them being there in the back of my channel wont hurt anything? i plan on not uploading anymore to my main channel but will it hurt future growth them being in the back of my channel? whats your opinion on this?
This was great! I've been wondering about more of the growth stages side for a while and you really explained it well! Glad to know the first 100 is the hardest. Makes me feel slightly more secure and ok with how my channel is going and where it will go.
So since let's play don't inspire growth...What does? If you are a gaming channel, how could you get growth?
do you think i should completely eradicate all lets plays from my channel. just completely delete them from my channel or do you think them being there in the back of my channel wont hurt anything? i plan on not uploading anymore to my main channel but will it hurt future growth them being in the back of my channel? whats your opinion on this?
If they don't rly get many views, you can put them on unlisted, that's like deleting but keeping ;P
Thanks very much Uber. Good read. I'm just attempting to learn about Redditt so it's great to see a guide for that. I'm going to read it now.