Over 30 - am i too old to start doing YT?

10/10 you should start your channel or I will be very disappointed....

I feel like a series where you document your weight loss journey with day to day vlogs and routines would attract an audience worldwide.

Why? Because you would all share a common goal and similar feelings of wanting to better yourself and improve yourself both mentally and physically. Its awesome to see and always a feel good type of thing.
It is never too late to chase your dreams! I would say go for it, people should be happy for you and have no judgement! I would encourage everyone to do what they love and it is never to late to pursue your dreams :) I wish you the best of luck and hope these comments have proven how supportive we will all be if do pursue YouTube!


Haley & Connor
The use of social networks is not limited for certain age. It is communication mean like the mobile handsets which every one can use. As for your age, i saw a YouTube channel that is run by an old lady (about 65 years old ). She joined YouTube and started making YouTube poet videos after a time when her husband had passed away. when i posted my comment in her channel, she was extremely happy.
Just wanted to pop in here and say that this article is still relevant. I just found it and this site today.

Thanks for posting it - it is a good topic.
Are you serious? I'm almost 30. Secondly If you really think about "too late" it really means you don't have the ability and strength to do anything anymore. Do you still have them? If so, It's never late.

When people say "is it too late?", it really pisses me off.
My cousin passed when he was in his mid 30's. colon cancer got the best of him. he wanted to live.

When you guys say if its ever too late? NO!
When your walking, breathing, and living, It's never too late for anything!
Why would it be too late? If you're creative, you're creative. If you have a great idea, you have a great idea. A great idea doesn't become less great just because you're 32. And the proof of that is that there are tons of very popular Youtubers out there who are in their 30's and 40's. The only reason you will see more youtubers in their 20´s than 30´s isn't because people in their 30's are too old, but simply because young people just pay more attention to the new technologies than older people. You have more people in their 20's trying to do yt than people in their 30's.

BTW, someone who is 32 yo isn't old at all. You're still young. If you take care of your image and have a youthful spirit you wouldn't look that different from someone in their 20's. I was shocked when i found out Roman Atwood is almost 34. If someone told me he was 26 i would easily believe it.

Don't get too hung up on numbers. They mean very little. You can have 2 people who are 32 and one looks 40 and the other looks 25. Each number means something different for different people.
Let me tell you something. I put off starting youtube for years. I wanted to do it as far back as 2008 but I just couldn't bring myself to do it for fear of rejection and all the hate. I'm a fairly confident person really, but the thought of being endlessly ridiculed was too much.

I was a food blogger for 6 years with a modest amount of success, until last july/August I just bit the bullet and did it. Let me tell you, it did wonders for my confidence and being in front of the camera is nothing now.

I grew up around abuse, alcoholism and all sorts of nasty stuff a kid shouldn't see. So I can at least relate in some way to how all of this might feel. You're probably feeling nervous because of the same things like a fear of rejection, abuse and nastiness, people picking up on your weight (if that is still an issue for you) but you know what I found these past few months? Youtube is full of amazing good hearted people that just want you to do well, and for every idiot, there's 10 other people that will have your back, me included.

If your weight is a barrier, then we'll. ...there's a big youtuber called sprinkle of chatter (previously known as sprinkle of glitter) who I happen to think is gorgeous by the way haha. She sometimes gets abuse directed at her weight in the comments, and her fans soon jump in and sort it right out lol. See these people are complete cowards, and wouldn't dream of saying things to your face, instead hiding behind a screen, trying to p*ss on someone's dreams.

Wether weight is your barrier,confidence or self doubt....don't let those people and those barriers get in the way of wanting to succeed. I've said it times that there's people that give up at the first sign of trouble and those that climb to the top of the pile through grit, determination and hard work, learning from failures and being persistent in your goals.

You absolutely CAN be a youtuber over 30. I'm 35 this year and I never thought in a million years I'd have over 400 subscribers at this point. I thought I'd be lucky of I got 10!

You'll probably find your first video will take you a whole day of not a couple to film as you try and work through your confidence barriers. You'll hate the way you look on camera and you'll hate the way you sound (I almost just deleted my account after my first video because of those things) but you won't, you carry on and each video will get better and better, you'll become more confident.

This forum is full of brilliant people that are here to help you, and if you need any advice on anything please feel free to pm me or contact me through my channel.

'What you think of yourself is more important than what people think of you'

Well....that was all a bit deep! Haha

Good luck