Oh and btw, I laughed pretty freaking hard at the idea I was jealous of Onision's music, yeah I really wish I'd written "The Potato Song" or "I'm a Banana" I'm just super jealous of songs like that rofl.
I'm not saying you are actually jealous. But, to some less intelligent people it could be fuel for them to make those sort of claims. He may be a twerp but why would you make a video about it. Do you get where I'm coming from? You should be focusing on YOU and becoming the best YouTuber YOU can be, despite if there are other assholes out there. I'm sure Shane Dawson, iJustine and others have people they detest but how would they look if they made a video about it? It just brings unnecessary drama, that it seems you're not looking for. As you grow and become bigger, things like this don't really look that good, whether or not it's sarcasm laced and lighthearted. It's hard to put my thoughts in to words, so I'm probably rambling at this point.
On another note...You're 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' video is high-larious and it would be cool to see it on the main channel.