what you mean, gadget installed?Even weirder is the fact that Partners do not get to install gadgets on their channels. Non-partners do. This allows for some major customization of the channel. Gadgets are not free of course, so this will mostly be used by companies I guess.
can you make a tutorial on how to make a channel artHere`s the template for the new YouTube channel banner...
with safe zones
.psd file
.png file
That`s what the .png is foranyone have a .xcf, I don't use photoshop and I need a template for Gimp 2.8 and it doesn't support .psd files
Yep,Partnership is officially useless.
No if they use the whole banner, straight when people click on machinima`s channel they`re going to see a big ad, it will most likely make them more...