My Album is on Bandcamp (can't pay me yet)

lol nuthin its just what i feel like xD haha its cute and i wish i had cat ears and a tail so i could do this :3
how... does ANYONE not get that.....[DOUBLEPOST=1365477141,1365477112][/DOUBLEPOST]
sure :) im listning to it too cus i havnt heard every song yet haha
omg..... I love you... once again, same thing, same time. as usual.[DOUBLEPOST=1365477190][/DOUBLEPOST]This feels so much like a chat room I feel the need to say "brb" LMAO
Thank you Kind Vampire! Waaaait, are you trying to lure me into your castle?[DOUBLEPOST=1365477011,1365476959][/DOUBLEPOST]
The YTtalk Member you are trying to communicate with ran out of s***s to give, sorry. Please try again at a later date.

BOO! *bombards you with boulders, vehicles, buildings, meteors, planets, tomatos, knives and cleaning products*
Not unless you got long legs, high heels, long hair, a nice pair (of eyes) and a high pitched voice!
Not unless you got long legs, high heels, long hair, a nice pair (of eyes) and a high pitched voice!
Oh thank god, I will gladly come over to your establishment. :D[DOUBLEPOST=1365477723,1365477692][/DOUBLEPOST]
and i would do it with pride! haha :p
I could fully imagine walking into your room to find you rolling on the floor wagging your tail :P
hahahahaha man.... is it wrong to be this enamored with your own creation? (reached the end and was like, "whoa... I made that...")
dude, just finished the album. It was FANTASTIC! i loved every song. Life is Beautiful had a fantastic beat to it. But I gotta say my favorites were Summer and Making History. And having them back to back just added to the overall effect! fantastic job, man. fantastic job!
dude, just finished the album. It was FANTASTIC! i loved every song. Life is Beautiful had a fantastic beat to it. But I gotta say my favorites were Summer and Making History. And having them back to back just added to the overall effect! fantastic job, man. fantastic job!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!