Music Sunday (My message to you)

Sym-phoni-ous 7 wrote:

Keep it up. Let's have everyone see your real face.
The face of envy and dispair

ok i just wanna put my two cents in here,you seem to know nothing about Symph or had a bad first encounter with him ..where as i have talked tho this guy for the last 2 months hours apon hours each day heck some days we talk for like 6 hours it's crazy! he is one of the most HONEST people i know and im sure many people will agree with me on that..if he thinks his work is crap hes not gonna sit there promoting it as if it's the best thing in the world if he doesn't find your work good he's not gonna sit there pretending it is he'll tell you straight up what he thinks... and i wouldn't want it any other way. Symphs work is great,his music is great and his comedy makes me laugh. might not be good enough for you....but it's good enough for me!
Korifeaus seriously, whatever you're so upset about, why not forget it. You are here because I liked your videos. That's what happened in the first place, I made a disclaimor to the community about them because I didn't want people to expect something and not get it. But your videos always had an interesting charm to me, there's no need for nastiness, and I can put all that's happened behind me if you can do the same. I mean.. I dunno... you have shown you have alot of feelings toward me that are really strange, about me having a "schtick" and being a "phony" and all that, I'd never say that about you, you are a unique youtuber. But I mean.. I hate the fact that you're on this forum and I have to just pretend like you don't exist, I would like to be able to not do that anymore. Can't we just start over and be friends? I'm being serious, truce?
Omg guys... she's right... my real face is coming out... look at the envy... look at the DISPAIR!!! AHHHH!!!

Thank you. Now if you'd take a look into your Psychiatry evaluation book, you appear to have, you see that the white above your iris shows a lot, in medical circles called, the " upside down moon ", meaning a lot of eye white is exposed when opening your eyes like that.
Read the description of what it states about " a lot of eye white" showing".
Thank you. Now if you'd take a look into your Psychiatry evaluation book, you appear to have, you see that the white above your iris shows a lot, in medical circles called, the " upside down moon ", meaning a lot of eye white is exposed when opening your eyes like that.
Read the description of what it states about " a lot of eye white" showing".
If you continue to think you know people because of how wide they open their eyes, you are going to be a hard person to love. You need to stop evaluating in this over anylitical way, and just let people be people. I open my eyes wide because I'm intense. I have an intense and energetic personality. If you had taken the time to get to know me instead of threatening me with the FBI cause I said your videos weren't funny, you'd know this.
Korifeaus seriously, whatever you're so upset about, why not forget it. You are here because I liked your videos. That's what happened in the first place, I made a disclaimor to the community about them because I didn't want people to expect something and not get it. But your videos always had an interesting charm to me, there's no need for nastiness, and I can put all that's happened behind me if you can do the same. I mean.. I dunno... you have shown you have alot of feelings toward me that are really strange, about me having a "schtick" and being a "phony" and all that, I'd never say that about you, you are a unique youtuber. But I mean.. I hate the fact that you're on this forum and I have to just pretend like you don't exist, I would like to be able to not do that anymore. Can't we just start over and be friends? I'm being serious, truce?

I need to see a SINCERE apology from you which is LONG overdue, and you know it
I need to see a SINCERE apology from you which is LONG overdue, and you know it
I WAS sincere, seriously, I don't want to fight with you. I mean I'm not saying I'm just ok with all that's transpired between us, but I'd like to just call a truce. I'd like to go back to watching your videos, I'll be careful what I say about them from now on cause you're obviously quite sensitive, but I always meant what I said. They had a unique but strange charm that I really enjoyed, if you say it's intentional I will believe it's intentional and will not say otherwise, and I won't make the statement that started this mess in the first place again. I just don't like having an enemy on the forum, and I'm willing to start adding you into conversations and forgetting all this and rebuilding everything if you are. I mean, I'm not gonna skype with you so you can evaluate my eyes for sincerity lol you still kind of scare me, that's why we'll both have to slowly but surely build this back up. But I'm at least willing to be kind and cordial with you on the forum, and not ignore you anymore.
--- merged: Apr 24, 2012 12:29 AM ---
OHHHHH you mean you need me to apologize for my statement in the first place. Korifeaus, I am sorry I said your videos are not funny. I'm sure to alot of people they are, it is just not my sense of humor, that was wrong of me to say and I apologize.
If you continue to think you know people because of how wide they open their eyes, you are going to be a hard person to love. You need to stop evaluating in this over anylitical way, and just let people be people. I open my eyes wide because I'm intense. I have an intense and energetic personality. If you had taken the time to get to know me instead of threatening me with the FBI cause I said your videos weren't funny, you'd know this.

I what ? I saved everyone of your and my messages. In not one single message did i threaten you, and you know that.
You lied and made up stories here, and when i found out about it i confronted you, making a "suggestion" to please remove it, because it was slanderous - i was polite all the way, when suddenly " you" threatened me. Visa Versa young man, and time to straighten that out. Then word came to me via private messages from youtubers that you slandered me behind my back, saying things that are utterly untrue.

When you began threatening me, and using rather odd intimidation tactics on me, for no reason and out of nowhere, i made you aware that there is such a thing as CAT, ( cyber action team) of the FBI, seeing this stuff, and that you were lucky pulling the stunts you pulled on my channel, rather than having done that to a covert luring channel from the FBI or such, because then you would have gotten into deep trouble.

That's when you removed the posts, etc. because you were afraid to get into trouble.
Still you continued to talk behind my back, much of what got back to me, because some knew me, knowng it's absurd i'd do what i was accused by you of having done.

A sincere APOLOGY , then we'll start anew
I what ? I saved everyone of your and my messages. In not one single message did i threaten you, and you know that.
You lied and made up stories here, and when i found out about it i confronted you, making a "suggestion" to please remove it, because it was slanderous - i was polite all the way, when suddenly " you" threatened me. Visa Versa young man, and time to straighten that out. Then word came to me via private messages from youtubers that you slandered me behind my back, saying things that are utterly untrue.

When you began threatening me, and using rather odd intimidation tactics on me, for no reason and out of nowhere, i made you aware that there is such a thing as CAT, ( cyber action team) of the FBI, seeing this stuff, and that you were lucky pulling the stunts you pulled on my channel, rather than having done that to a covert luring channel from the FBI or such, because then you would have gotten into deep trouble.

That's when you removed the posts, etc. because you were afraid to get into trouble.
Still you continued to talk behind my back, much of what got back to me, because some knew me, knowng it's absurd i'd do what i was accused by you of having done.

A sincere APOLOGY , then we'll start anew
Well, we are at an impass. I have those messages saved too. That's not what happened by a long shot. I could post them on the forum if you'd like and let the community decide? lol No that's just drama waiting to happen. I never lied, so no apology for lying which I didn't do, I never threatened you with anything more than "this will turn sour". You keep insinuating I meant that I was gonna do something to you, but no.. I meant this nice little friendship we have will not be nice, it will become negative. I was saying "if you are threatening me I will be angry". Because you said "I would suggest you change your posts" That usually is someone saying "change them or else" if you didn't mean it that way, just clarify. But that whole conversation got crazy, and I never called you any names, I did NOT threaten you, and quite frankly, a few people on this forum have read that whole conversation, trust me, I have nothing to hide. I AM sorry I said your videos aren't funny, kind of. I'm sorry it upset you, I was really just giving my thoughts on your work, which I find more trippy and weird than funny, but I still like it. But yeah I mean you're wanting me to admit to stuff I just simply did not do. So I guess this truce is screwed.
--- merged: Apr 24, 2012 12:47 AM ---

The sad thing is, I believe in the illuminati too, I'd love to talk to you about it, but I don't even go in that thread now... I can apologize for hurting your feelings, I can say I'm sorry this turned out this way, I can say I never wanted you to feel threatened or belittled in anyway, but I can't admit to lying or threatening you when I didn't.
Post the Messages.
Better yet, to not get this forum involved i will publish them in my magazine, with a lovely story attached, of course ( to make it more entertaining) since they're public domain, :) and then everyone can see, if so they choose to learn the truth, who it is lying and who's honest.
Your initial contact to me was nothing but insults which i humored, you realizing i'm not one to be played with

I have no skeletons in my closet; not even fish bones

PS: You think i care if you approve of my videos ? Who are you to think anyone needs your endorsement ? You're not hurting my feelings, btw, no ones feelings but your own. Everyone suffers their own demons. I ain't got any :)

As to this
, a few people on this forum have read that whole conversation, trust me,

I told you, i know. Some got back to me and i read the copy-pastes you stated, thus know what was going on behind my back. Still do :)