Massive drop in views on kid channels

Hey guys, so i began/started a new youtube channel at the start of the year which was intended to be about myself doing things/sharing new experiences with my 2 kid (aged 2 & 5) but all this stuff about COPPA has got me thinking whether i should continue to upload videos? clearly as someone who is just starting i am learning as i go along but i know some of my videos will be 'for kids' and others wont but the affects that will have on my channel growth i don't know.
can anyone share some experiences they have had similar to this or am i worrying about something to early.
I have a videography oriented educational channel, with many memorable friends&family videos.
Not sure how this message will help, but maybe it will give you some ideas.
I apologise if this has already been posted / mentioned, but I think it's important:

YouTube has announced that in addition to disabling targeted advertising on videos apparently intended for children, it will disable comments, live chat, subscriber notifications, Stories, and the ‘Save to Playlist’ function on all channels making content for kids.

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