
Well-Known Member
Hey all. So this is possibly in the wrong place, not sure. But I was wondering if anyone out there has difficulty making youtube friends? It seems like so many people are just straight to business with making collabs but I like getting to know other youtubers and making a friendship that can lead to collabs down the line. But most people just seem to shrug that off and ignore you. It kinda sucks : /
Not like those collaborations are going to last anyway, and often they fall flat in less than nothing. I also believe in getting to know people before trying to collaborate with them and so far it seems it worked. Didn't do many, but they were proficuos not much in audience but in healthy human relationships, it's all about the approach.
Not like those collaborations are going to last anyway, and often they fall flat in less than nothing. I also believe in getting to know people before trying to collaborate with them and so far it seems it worked. Didn't do many, but they were proficuos not much in audience but in healthy human relationships, it's all about the approach.
i actually met my past collab buddies through this forum, just chattin and making friends. It seems much more fun that way
I've met a lot of good friends through this forum, but there's definitely been a lot of collaborations that didn't work out! Personally, I never liked the people who were all about business. It takes the fun out of it, and makes it difficult to build a friendship.
So far since starting my channel about 5 months ago I've gathered one or two people who I talk to on and off...Acquaintences? Definately...But sadly I havent made any proper "Friends" through it yet. Though as I deal with a bit of a Niche field I wasnt expecting to be exactly drowning in friends anyway xD though im always good for a chat and if you like trashy movies then all the better! :D
Yer sort of...and then yo-...its a thing that involves-....and then you...and then:

At least thats my experience...Oh! there might be some talking as well...but text can do the job just as well...
You can make friends on this forum, if you get involved in threads and try talking to other people maybe you might end up being friends with another YouTuber. That’s one of the main reasons I decided to join this forum so I could meet other YouTubers like me. :)