Losing friends over your Youtube?

My Ex-Gf also thought that YOUTUBE is a waste of time, so I said to her, You don't appreciate what I do, whats the point of being my friend. So I didn't give her any F. Simple words, do what you love, life is too short to not to do things u love. Btw we shouldn't be disappointed about our friends opinion, its their opinion, it shouldn't conflict with our opinions.
I just started and this is just my 2 cents. If anyone is atleast somewhat serious about turning this YouTube thing into something, but is deterred from continuing on by unsupported or unapproving friends, family, etc., then you probably aren't cut out for YouTube. As I'm probably sure the road to actually getting anywhere on this platform is much harder than someone's disapproving comments.
If you ever get a silver play button make and unboxing video and call it "for her"

Actually YouTube aside, anyone who doesn't respect your wishes isn't worth knowing
Have you guys ever been put in the situation of having to choose your youtube channel over an unsupportive friend? Let me explain.

Once upon a time, young RodakTV was dating a girl who could not understand why I made youtube videos. She thought it was a waste of time, time that could be spent with her. Long story short, I had an ultimatum, continue making videos for the extremely small audience I had with dreams of becoming a larger youtuber, or continue dating this girl.

Let's just say, I'm still making youtube videos :p

Have any of you ever been put into the situation of making a similar choice? Or even just stop talking to friends who weren't supportive?

Sounds silly as most of us are small youtubers.

Share the story if you have :)

This has probably been stated many times already, but I personally think you dodged a bullet there. The reason being that they probably already controlled you or your time in other more subtle ways and this was just an overt example of the control. I've been in a relationship like that, it's toxic. Luckily my wife i met years later and she's very supportive of things I do which are not unhealthy. She even got involved in starting her own Youtube channel! Basically, you staying in that relationship would have only made you make sacrifices, not her and resentment would have eventually resulted. Walk tall and enjoy yourself and someone will eventually come along for you that deserves you :)
That's pretty sad that a girl tried making you choose between her and Youtube.
My current fiancée might get annoyed at my passion/dedication for making Youtube videos but she never once stopped supporting me.

I've been put in similar situations but Youtube has never been the ultimatum between our terrible friendship/relationship.
And every time I put the thing/person over them because in my opinion if someone is going to make you decide between something and them...then clearly they aren't worth your time and want to make all your life decisions for you. Forget em indeed. You made a good decision. =]
Have you guys ever been put in the situation of having to choose your youtube channel over an unsupportive friend? Let me explain.

Once upon a time, young RodakTV was dating a girl who could not understand why I made youtube videos. She thought it was a waste of time, time that could be spent with her. Long story short, I had an ultimatum, continue making videos for the extremely small audience I had with dreams of becoming a larger youtuber, or continue dating this girl.

Let's just say, I'm still making youtube videos :p

Have any of you ever been put into the situation of making a similar choice? Or even just stop talking to friends who weren't supportive?

Sounds silly as most of us are small youtubers.

Share the story if you have :)

Thankfully my friends are supportive and I wouldn't have put up with anyone giving me an ultimatum against a personal goal I was trying to achieve either. I've found that I have been spending less time with friends in general though as the free time I use to have to hang out is now spent planning, filming and editing. I did have family that was not really supportive from the beginning and just didn't get it. Walking around with a camera is weird to them but I let their words go in one ear and out the other. I basically had a watch me do it attitude and they've come around and are excited to see my "weekly show" as they like to call it now lol.