Let's see your one channel!

wuuut!!! omgomgomg I just woke up! Wasn't expecting this! Yours all looks so good :O I haven't even made my banner yet... gotta start working on it now... this has all happened so fast *hyperventilates*
I really hate the new layout so I don't think I want to switch to it just yet. Is it going to become mandatory soon?

You're not alone, I absolutely hate it as well! And if I recall correctly, there was a thread dedicated to our mutual hate of the new channel layout.

There's real no personalization! Why youtube?! I understand change... but it should be improved for the better, not for the worse.

I also hate how it looks so cluttered, it turns me off from actually wanting to look through channels.. and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Gah. Ok rant over... got a list of stuff to do for the mandatory update..
I just saw that I can opt in, so I'll be working on that today...I should have had a trailer ready. lol