Is it really easier to get new Subscibers after your first 100?

Im now 10 subscribers off the "Hundred"'s never been closer and yet at the same time further away xD

100's the only goal I have set for myself (I really want that custom URL) after I hit that I can advertise my channel at my leisure rather than aggressively pursuing also means I can do different types of advertising (QR Stickers, t-shirts, banners) I dont think it'll necessarily increase traffic to your channel but it does give you a lot more scope to advertise and its a good round number to help benchmark your progress :)
It honestly depends, like in my case once I hit 100 it was still a struggle but somedays were better than others! I'd upload a video and, at one point, got 10 people to subscribe based off it and then other days you just don't get any subscribers. It really doesn't get easier, it's just somedays are better than others!
It does get easier! I feel the same now if i dont get 30+ subs as i did a year ago not getting 10+ and that felt the same two years ago as if someone unsubscribed, very few of us are lucky enough to be the right person at the right time with the right content so have to learn from our past successes and failures and try to make the ratio of success vs failure increase.
The fact that my daily goals are increasing is enough for me to feel happy that things are ok even if it takes a thread like this to remind me! i also take great satisfaction in proving social blade wrong, checking in once a month and seeing my projections go up, keep an eye on the analytics, see what works, do more of it and dont be ashamed to spam redit till it cant take any more!
No, the first 100 helps very little. However once you get around 10k subs then you will start to slowly notice a snowball effect. If your at 100k, the effect is even more magnified.
No, the first 100 helps very little. However once you get around 10k subs then you will start to slowly notice a snowball effect. If your at 100k, the effect is even more magnified.
my friend, i was not suggesting a switch magically flipped and traffic shot up merely that during the road to the first 100 subs i personally did a lot of learning which meant that it did get easier
I love this question.

I found it was easy to get to 100, even easier to get to 500 but then and now it is horrendous. The slog from 500 – 1000 is real man. I have tried uploading every 2 days, weekly, everything and the sub count will stick for days and then move a couple of numbers and then stick again. It’s hard work being a creator and anyone who says otherwise is full of it lol.
Looking to sub for sub, if willing. My Channel is dedicated to Paparazzi Accessories, which includes DIY videos, inventory videos, & hilarious failures I make along the way. My Channel is UC-njH0p_ozBHLa_32K6XgSw
Can you maybe stop spamming all the threads with the same message?
I am new as of today, could you not be rude? I'm trying to learn, expand, & have fun on YouTube like everyone else. I don't need criticism, I am looking for support! Thanks!
Not rude to ask you to not break the rules. I think it's rude to spam the forum with said rule breaking. That's what I would classify as rude. These things deserve criticism and not support.
I found the first 100 subscribers hardest and many of my friends did also. After that it got easier. 10 months later and now I’m at 4.6K growing at around 100-150 a week. I find putting as much time and effort into using good tags as you do into the video is one of the best ways to grow.

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