I'll review your Videos!!!!!!

hey what about me
lol :) don't worry Ill do the Yttalk channel review then your video :)
--- merged: Apr 27, 2012 8:25 PM ---
review all of the YTtalkTV channel

YTtalkTV channel review:

Righto then, first impression of the channel when you see it is that its been very professionally made and encourages people to become interested (well thats a no-brainer considering it was made by you michael). However, a couple of things that I think should change: The writing to the right hand side of the page feel like it should be rotated so that it reads along the side of the youtube main block (rotate 180 degrees). My head instinctively reverses direction from what it sees on the left of the channel and it just feels like the writing is the wrong way up.
Something else that I think should be emphasized on in the channel is the contrast in the main bulk of the background: I would say that to emphasize on the much lighter youtube main block (where the videos are) you should be making small section of background around this area slightly darker so that it emphasizes/highlights the main section and draws your eyes more towards the video. So, in this case I would fade it from very slightly darker in the centre to pretty much white all around the edges. However, make sure that you keep the rectangles coming out from the centre because this is a really neat design feature.
I also think (in my personal opinion) that maybe you should check the box on channel editing for 'fixing' the background because you want to keep drawing peoples attention to the video section of the page and also making sure that at all times (even once they've left the part with the channels name) that they can see what it is called (could help to gain more subscribers).
What else... (trying to be as constructively criticising as I can :p lol) But anyway, I might have said that the YTtalkTV down the left hand side could be slightly bigger just for the liking of emphasizing the channel name. Also, I feel as though maybe you should put the YTtalk webpage url on the background (not link it, but give note to it somewhere – doesn't have to be huge or anything).
However, overall the channel is great and graphically the improvements are really limited that you can make because it is so well done. I really struggled to scrutinise this masterpiece ;)

That is all :D
so all i do is post video link well
Righto then, your video review is here:

I like the star wars themed intro but if I were to improve upon it I might say that it would look better if it were to fade off into the distance like the real star wars intros :) I have made the following video as how I would do it (make sure you watch in 720p because it looks a lot better):

But anyway, this might seem a little harsh to say but, I don't see any relevance that this intro has to football (which is obviously the new series you are doing) maybe this intro should be just for the videos that you do special effects in and you could probably ask someone on the forums to make you a football themed intro for YTtalk cash :/
Another thing that I want to say to you is whether the music you are using is copyrighted because unless you have received specific permission from the creator of this piece or it is a well known piece of music then you may not be able to use it, so take that into consideration for future videos.

Anyways, onto the main content of the video: I noticed at times that the camera was very shaky when filming. Try to stabilise this by using a tripod of some kind (it doesn't have to be really expensive or anything; could even be a cheapish gorilla pod). Either this or try to get your cameraman to have a steadier hand. Something else I want to recommend is the camera angle that you are using for this football stuff. Seeing as it is being taken from a long shot you want to make sure that you still get all of the ball and person into the frame, however, I did feel that you were showing a little too much of the floor, and you could have done with moving the camera up more and making it so that more of the skyline was used as a natural background.
Something else that I think would really add to the video is by letting the video play without music (or quieter music) and show your reactions when you get the ball in the basket etc... people like to watch the reactions when someone does something insane, and I think it would make the video funnier and more entertaining in general to watch.
--- merged: Apr 27, 2012 9:01 PM ---
Well I'll do the free option for now, since I don't have enough to view!,

When I get round to reviewing your videos michael, are you sure you want the 'Kick the Boss' video reviewed because I'm sure I did that one the other day :D
Righto then, your video review is here:

I like the star wars themed intro but if I were to improve upon it I might say that it would look better if it were to fade off into the distance like the real star wars intros :) I have made the following video as how I would do it (make sure you watch in 720p because it looks a lot better):

But anyway, this might seem a little harsh to say but, I don't see any relevance that this intro has to football (which is obviously the new series you are doing) maybe this intro should be just for the videos that you do special effects in and you could probably ask someone on the forums to make you a football themed intro for YTtalk cash :/
Another thing that I want to say to you is whether the music you are using is copyrighted because unless you have received specific permission from the creator of this piece or it is a well known piece of music then you may not be able to use it, so take that into consideration for future videos.

Anyways, onto the main content of the video: I noticed at times that the camera was very shaky when filming. Try to stabilise this by using a tripod of some kind (it doesn't have to be really expensive or anything; could even be a cheapish gorilla pod). Either this or try to get your cameraman to have a steadier hand. Something else I want to recommend is the camera angle that you are using for this football stuff. Seeing as it is being taken from a long shot you want to make sure that you still get all of the ball and person into the frame, however, I did feel that you were showing a little too much of the floor, and you could have done with moving the camera up more and making it so that more of the skyline was used as a natural background.
Something else that I think would really add to the video is by letting the video play without music (or quieter music) and show your reactions when you get the ball in the basket etc... people like to watch the reactions when someone does something insane, and I think it would make the video funnier and more entertaining in general to watch.
--- merged: Apr 27, 2012 9:01 PM ---

When I get round to reviewing your videos michael, are you sure you want the 'Kick the Boss' video reviewed because I'm sure I did that one the other day :D
The intro is just writting in star wars text so dont see why you brought that up, yes the cameras shaky it was freezing the days we were filming! the music in not copyrighted! focused on the floor cause it is FOOTball foot being the closest part of the body near the floor! music is better then reactions as i dont react when i hit things like that i do it to often to even care anymore
but thanks.
The intro is just writting in star wars text so dont see why you brought that up, yes the cameras shaky it was freezing the days we were filming! the music in not copyrighted! focused on the floor cause it is FOOTball foot being the closest part of the body near the floor! music is better then reactions as i dont react when i hit things like that i do it to often to even care anymore
but thanks.
I just said about the star wars themed bit due to the fact that you posted a thread not long ago about making your intro star wars themed but hey :/ Also, the bit about camera angle and the floor; obviously the football is nearer the floor, but if you angle the camera at a more horizontal angle, you can still ensure that you fit the football in, all this is saying is that you can make a more cinematic and professional look to the video by having more background :/ and lol at the fact that you don't react :D Yeh... i just casually kick the ball into the basketball net first try
I just said about the star wars themed bit due to the fact that you posted a thread not long ago about making your intro star wars themed but hey :/ Also, the bit about camera angle and the floor; obviously the football is nearer the floor, but if you angle the camera at a more horizontal angle, you can still ensure that you fit the football in, all this is saying is that you can make a more cinematic and professional look to the video by having more background :/ and lol at the fact that you don't react :D Yeh... i just casually kick the ball into the basketball net first try
i dont hit it first time but ive grown up in football so im use to hitting good shots for example first game for colcester under 13s i scored from the halfway line
Sounds good to me, could you review all of the YTtalkTV channel and the videos?


All video reviews time!!! :

Vanessa's Video: First thing I gotta say about her video is that it is very well produced and put together, great editing of the clips together to make the full video and I think that she has done well :) One thing that you may want to mention to her is the backgrounding on her video because it is a bit too confusion and has too much to look at within it (your eyes are not sure exactly where to concentrate). I recommend that she changes to a completely plain wall (white is best) or if she wants, very pastel based colours can work well (light blue/light creamy orange/cream/light green etc...).

Stefan's Video: I have given advice to Stefan before about his videos that he is producing and he has really developed over the time that I have seen his videos. His backgrounding is great, cuts at the correct time, and his enthusiasm flows throughout. He really took my camera advice into his own style. However, there is still one thing that I want to point out to him; it is the fact that he has a 'double shadow' produced behind him on the wall. It shows up quite a bit just because it is a white wall however, I can tell that this was produced by an overhead ceiling light which has several bulbs attached. If he were to use a spotlight or a very strong lamp, then it would look a lot better if it were to produce just one, clean edged shadow.

Michael's Question Video: Michael, Michael, Michael :D Good video!! Not average but cool, interesting, great :) I thought you did well even if you don't think so!
It was really informative and covered some points that a lot of people still don't know how to do and I think its a great little series that you'll have going on.
Something I would say is that I saw your cheeky little glances at the questions/script. But don't worry about it too much because there are some easy things that you can do to prevent this: Print off the questions/script in much larger lettering on a few sheets (easier to read) and then stick them on a wall/board behind the camera so that it looks like you are still looking at the camera whilst doing the video. Another pointer is that maybe you should try standing up as well whilst your doing this; it'll make you look and feel more confident in front of the camera and make that more 'one-on-one'/'intimate' experience come across with the viewer - just as Stefan says. Plus I think you'll find yourself grow more as a blogger and with experience you'll find yourself enjoying talking in front of the camera more :D

Michael's Tutorial Videos: You seem a lot more confident when speaking in your tutorial videos but I guess this is because you aren't in front of the camera and it seems as though you are speaking to yourself. I don't know what other peoples opinions would be on this, but if you do any more tutorials then I'd quite like to see you adding a small face-cam into the top left/right which could be pre/after recorded so that we can all see you in the video. I'm sure everyone here at YTtalk would wanna see more of you in the videos :) However, the main tutorials section of the video has a really good audio quality and the video quality is great as well, I think this is really beneficial, especially in the sense that it is a tutorial.

George (from Rubox)'s Video: I really like George's videos on the channel because of his pure enthusiasm towards it however, at times, this enthusiasm can come across as a little distracting because he does like to flail his arms around quite a bit. However, overall, I think George does well with his video because he's done backgrounding well and produced a high quality, informative and interesting video to watch.

Overall: I like the fact that you are adding a watermark to each of the videos because it is constantly supporting the channel and making it look more professional. Plus, I like the fact that you are linking to other videos at the end of the videos so that people don't get 'lost' on the youtube channel looking for older videos.

Done!! Time for a cuppa tea :D
Thanks for the great in depth review there, I will look into adding the URL on the background as that is definitely the most important missing thing/change needed.

I have tried standing up but when I am standing up I just cant stay still, my first recording was done standing up and I was constantly bobbing around :D I think I should practice stood up and not moving anywhere near as much. I didnt have a script for the Q and A videos, I had the questions written down but I see what you're saying there and I didn't even notice I was doing that, I should watch out for that :D I definitely do feel more confident when stood up, I dont know why exactly but in my very first recording other than the head bobbing I felt better. I think I am more confident just recording via microphone because I know no one can see me.

That'll be a well deserved cuppa!

Thanks again :)