I'll review your channel!

Ahhh thank you but idk which vlog you saw but 95% of them have music in the background...lol. And yeah i'm trying to have my videos from like 3-5 minutes from now and if I get a larger following anytime soon they will be a little longer. But thanks again :)
If you could review my channel that would be AWESOME! I make GTA 5 funny moments and call of duty vids. If you could look at my graphics and content I would appreciate it. Thanks so much! :)
I'm not sure why but I decided a good way to promote myself would be through others, literally. If you feel like reviewing my channel thats cool but not necessary. All I ask is that you be respectful with my advice!

Also you can specify if you have certain parts of your channel you'd like me to review or give my opinion on when you comment.

Edit: Due to A huge amount of people asking for reviews please allow 1-2 days for a review :)
If you could give me feedback on my channel that would be great.