I will review your channel

Hey, could you review my channel? :D
Hey :)

Your channel is good however there are things you must improve on. Let me start with the good things. You're playing a good choice of games so there's nothing wrong with that. Maybe try experimenting with different games every now and again to see if your subs enjoy it or maybe you might gain more subs and views. The quality of your audio is very good but could you just bump up the volume of it slightly? What you must improve is the video quality. What I mean is, is that there is too much black surrounding the video which doesn't really make it enjoying to watch so whatever program you use to record, make sure it records the whole screen. Also, if you're using Sony Vegas to render your videos there are settings to take away the black parts of your videos. I'm pretty sure other programs can do that but I definitely know Sony Vegas can do that. Also, try doing a series. It helps a lot because if you have no idea what to record, you always know you have episode _ of your series to record! Overall, you have something good going on, just improve on the things I have mentioned and hopefully you can do well :) Good luck on YouTube[DOUBLEPOST=1345546375,1345545726][/DOUBLEPOST]
My channel is linked below. :) Thanks!
Hey :)

I like your channel but there are one or two things you could do to do better. Firstly, your quality is really good (both video and audio) so there are no problems with that whatsoever. Also, you're playing a game which is well known so you're bound to get exposure. I'm assuming your channel is dedicated to Minecraft, however, I think you need to do a variety of games rather than just one. Experiment with different things. I would suggest maybe playing something new and if you get a good response, continue with it but if it doesn't get that good of a response then just stick with Minecraft. If you're sticking with Minecraft then try to think of something creative and original to do other than a lets play because EVERYONE does that. Think of something cool to do in Minecraft that no one has thought of before. For example, I have a series where I build stuff in Minecraft and blow it all up at the end which I think is pretty cool and no one has done a series of something like that if I'm correct. Overall, I think you're doing well since you get a good amount of subs and views and hopefully you will get more :) Good luck on YouTube
Hey :)

Your channel is good however there are things you must improve on. Let me start with the good things. You're playing a good choice of games so there's nothing wrong with that. Maybe try experimenting with different games every now and again to see if your subs enjoy it or maybe you might gain more subs and views. The quality of your audio is very good but could you just bump up the volume of it slightly? What you must improve is the video quality. What I mean is, is that there is too much black surrounding the video which doesn't really make it enjoying to watch so whatever program you use to record, make sure it records the whole screen. Also, if you're using Sony Vegas to render your videos there are settings to take away the black parts of your videos. I'm pretty sure other programs can do that but I definitely know Sony Vegas can do that. Also, try doing a series. It helps a lot because if you have no idea what to record, you always know you have episode _ of your series to record! Overall, you have something good going on, just improve on the things I have mentioned and hopefully you can do well :) Good luck on YouTube

Well, I do have 2 series running. I've only had the channel running for a few days so that's why there's a lack of variety. I'm using After Effects but I think Vegas might be easier for my purposes. I am planning on doing very many games.. sports, shooters, RPGs, novel games, etc. Everything from NHL 13 to Assassins Creed 3 will be featured, we started with minecraft just because :P

Yes the video quality will be totally revamped, in fact im planning on recording my computer with my HD PVR and ALL console gameplay will be recorded with it. I'm going to buy a Blue Snowball microphone as soon as I have the money (top of the line) and my friend there who did the Slaughterhouse tutorial has a great mic. The audio will be optimized for upcoming videos. Yup, it does record the whole screen, and Camtasia isn't the best program to use, I guess. I'll be making attempts to make the video layout a bit nicer.

Thanks for the review, this'll help me improve my videos :)
Go ahead! I'll make sure to take the critic to my heart, brain and soul.
Hey :)

Dude... You have 5000 subs and 3 million views. You are doing exceptionally well!!! I don't know if there are capture cards that can record DS gameplay but try and find one, the video quality will be even better. If you can't find one then at least try getting a mic so the audio quality can be better. In all honesty, there's not much I can say since what you're doing seems to be working just fine for your subs. If there is an online option on the DS maybe you might want to play with your subs? Anyway, just keep doing what you're doing! Good luck on progressing even further on YouTube :)[DOUBLEPOST=1345547078,1345546864][/DOUBLEPOST]
Well, I do have 2 series running. I've only had the channel running for a few days so that's why there's a lack of variety. I'm using After Effects but I think Vegas might be easier for my purposes. I am planning on doing very many games.. sports, shooters, RPGs, novel games, etc. Everything from NHL 13 to Assassins Creed 3 will be featured, we started with minecraft just because :p

Yes the video quality will be totally revamped, in fact im planning on recording my computer with my HD PVR and ALL console gameplay will be recorded with it. I'm going to buy a Blue Snowball microphone as soon as I have the money (top of the line) and my friend there who did the Slaughterhouse tutorial has a great mic. The audio will be optimized for upcoming videos. Yup, it does record the whole screen, and Camtasia isn't the best program to use, I guess. I'll be making attempts to make the video layout a bit nicer.

Thanks for the review, this'll help me improve my videos :)
Erm... that reply was not for you, it was for someone else. I'll review your channel now lol[DOUBLEPOST=1345547691][/DOUBLEPOST]
Mines cool and stuff
Hey :)

You only have two videos so there's not much I can review on but I'll try my best to. It won't be that good but when you have at least 10 videos message me again and I'll be glad to review your channel properly! Ok, your Minecraft series is good but don't just do a lets play on Minecraft because that's what EVERYONE does. Try and think of something creative, unique and original because then people could only watch your series since no one else would be doing that. One thing you must do is to take off that thing surrounding your video. It ruins it in my opinion because you can't see the gameplay that much and it really is pointless to have it on for the whole video. Put it at the end of your videos and also when you have a lot of videos because it won't be able to be filled out properly now. I can't say whether your channel is good or not since there's not that much content but like I said, message me when you have at least 10 videos and I'll gladly review your channel! Good luck on YouTube :)
Hey :)

Your channel is good however there are things you must improve on. Let me start with the good things. You're playing a good choice of games so there's nothing wrong with that. Maybe try experimenting with different games every now and again to see if your subs enjoy it or maybe you might gain more subs and views. The quality of your audio is very good but could you just bump up the volume of it slightly? What you must improve is the video quality. What I mean is, is that there is too much black surrounding the video which doesn't really make it enjoying to watch so whatever program you use to record, make sure it records the whole screen. Also, if you're using Sony Vegas to render your videos there are settings to take away the black parts of your videos. I'm pretty sure other programs can do that but I definitely know Sony Vegas can do that. Also, try doing a series. It helps a lot because if you have no idea what to record, you always know you have episode _ of your series to record! Overall, you have something good going on, just improve on the things I have mentioned and hopefully you can do well :) Good luck on YouTube

Thanks, we're actually about to post some Portal 2 videos, maybe some DayZ, F.3.A.R. and in a little while The Legend of Zelda: OOT. I'm guessing you mean the voice volume? If so, alright. I use fraps, but my screen is a squarish shape as opposed to a rectangular widescreen monitor, and if I try to render it in widescreen mode it looks weird. Maybe it's just because i'm looking at it on my screen I'll upload a quick widescreen video today to see if it's any better.
Hey :)

I like your channel but there are one or two things you could do to do better. Firstly, your quality is really good (both video and audio) so there are no problems with that whatsoever...

Snip Snip...

Thanks for the feedback! You're very helpful.
I will create a new series; something that hasn't been done before.