I will honestly review your channel! :D

Very professional. Good quality. Description is... odd. You don't need to license a copyright in every description. Actually quite good. Commentary could use work, but you were quite dignified, and your channel will get better as you get older, because in all honestly not a lot of people want to watch someone who's younger than themselves.

Also, where are all your views coming from?? That's quite impressive!

Wow, thanks! I licensed a copyright in every description because otherwise it couldn't be monetized, lol. If possible, I'd love to know how I could improve on my commentary. Again, thank you very much!

P.S I don't even know where my views come from. Probably from here, SEO, etc.

P.S.S Were you watching my Hunger Games Speed Runs? My commentary sucked in those ages.

Not bad. Very professional. Though your commentary is certainly lacking a bit. Really the only thing you can do better is just work on your speech. Talk more. Other than that, good.

One thing, how did you record on PS4 so cleanly? Do you have a capture card?
Thanks for the feedback! Yes I got a capture card, why? :)
Thanks for the feedback! Yes I got a capture card, why? :)
I was hoping I wouldn't have to buy one. xD[DOUBLEPOST=1393897278,1393897170][/DOUBLEPOST]
Do you like my first vlog and what do you want to see in future videos?
Very very quiet, you don't talk much. I don't know if I could watch through a whole video. You gotta loosen up, be funny, be silly, talk with confidence!
I was hoping I wouldn't have to buy one. xD[DOUBLEPOST=1393897278,1393897170][/DOUBLEPOST]
Very very quiet, you don't talk much. I don't know if I could watch through a whole video. You gotta loosen up, be funny, be silly, talk with confidence!
I am editing a new vlog write now. I made it more upbeat, 'cause it's about food, so I'll tell you when I post it.
Sweet, I just started but would love all the feedback I can get!
You sound like you're recording on a potato. Video looks great. And cussing a lot doesn't make it funny. Using a bit from time to time can add something to your videos, but you do it too much. It makes it rather irritating to slog through a video. Wittiness is difficult, cussing a lot isn't. Other than that, kinda odd, the videos with commentary could use a lot of work, the ones without it, it's hard to criticize. The tunnel from hell one was Meh, kinda boring. Had a moment or two, but nothing of note.