Just reconfirming everything you are saying.
"So YEAH im entitled to my opinion You dude read all the post before trolling."
No Trolling going on here. Im telling you what others have told you before, im trying to get you to understand that you are an idiot. I apologize for using such words but there is nothing else to describe it. We have told you everything, and you are ignoring it. I personally am not with fullscreen, im trying to help you though, and you are being too arrogant to understand.
" They dont even know my contract info when giving an answer. Its like calling At&t and talking about an iphone and them giving u info about a galaxy s3."
Not everyone knows your contract, only your Partner Manager knows it. Which brings me to the next quote.
"4. Ive been transfered to 3 or 4 people.
5. PARTNER MANAGER redirects me to support
6. SUPPORT redirects me to partner manager."
Your Partner manager will not re-direct you to anyone. They are yours to keep, for the length of your contract (besides sharing them with other partners). You probably didnt get the right manager, that might have been the issue. Reason why you were transfered: You contacted the wrong department. Like calling AT&T for a Tech issue and calling in to the AT&T kitchen. It wont work. Im sure the fullscreen mod (forgot your name. Sorry Fullscreen mod!) will help you and make sure you are reunited with your Partner Manager.
Now that i have responded to these, dont post back with the same reasons. We have solved everything here. If you still dont understand it, go translate the whole post.
P.S. I see no thanks for everyone who helped you. Might you want to do that?