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I'm really an expert in networks but short answer: Being in a small part of Fullscreen is still being in Fullscreen. Everyone in a Fullscreen subnetwork has access to the same features Fullscreen provides, i.e. their support, gorilla campaigns, audio library, forum, etc. Subnetworks just focus on more niche areas/channels and have some different employees and people, who still work for Fullscreen. I think it's also like that in all networks with subnetworks. People in subnetwork still get ads for their videos and support from the main network. Subnetworks are just a way of organizing and run by different people who also give support, and sometimes have lower requirements.If these two networks are botht he same why are they two different networks? I dont do much research as you can tell but ive been told creatorx is a subnetwork to fullscreen ie a small part of them. Thats why I assumed you would not have as good support or options as you would being with fullscreen.
They made a ad campagn for my channel, do you think im big?
The only network in Fullscreen I don't really understand is Yeousch. -.-