I feel like some people are too for partnering, and some are too against it..

Generally, 2K does not object to fans using materials for non-commercial uses in a manner which does not intentionally spoil the plot for others. "Non-commercial" means that you don't sell site membership, use the material to promote a product you sell on the site like a shirt or wallpaper, or use other advertising-driven monetization. 2K does reserve the right to have its copyrighted material taken down at any time. If you have further questions or concerns, please contact

"Use other advertising-driven monetization" would this be youtube
Yes, definitely. This isn't particularly uncommon. Now you should figure out how often they actually bother enforcing this by, like I said, seeing how often people complain online. That will determine your risk factor, which you will be able to use to determine if it is worth it or not.

Mostly companies don't have the time/care to enforce policies like this to any degree. Also it means if you (or someone) is trash talking their game, or posting 'hack' videos, they have the legal reason to come down on them.
Flammy JustSomeGermanDude

Here is the email I sent to take 2, about 2k sports.

Hi 2K Sports,
My name is Tim, and I produce gaming video content for Youtube, and it get's posted on several websites on the internet.
I would like to know if 2K Sports would allow me to produce derivative works (Reviews, Online Gameplay, etc) using video footage from games you own the copyrights to?
Further, does 2K Sports allow editors to take advantage of YouTube's Partner Program that places ads on the videos we make?
I hope this message finds you doing well and thanks in advance for your response.
Here's the reply I got
Hello Tdpresentz,
Thank you for contacting 2K Games Support.
Generally Take-Two Interactive does not object to fans using materials for non-commercial uses in a manner which does not intentionally spoil the plot for others. "Non-commercial" means that you don't sell site membership, or use the material to promote a product you sell on the site like a shirt or wallpaper. Take-Two Interactive does reserve the right to have its copyrighted material taken down at any time. If you have further questions or concerns, please contact copyright@take2games.com
We’re happy for fans to upload footage of their gameplay - we love seeing machinima from our games and even share some of it with our fans on the 2K Games Blog/Facebook/Twitter from time to time. We do have just a few guidelines that we ask you to follow if you are going to post or stream on video sharing sites.
To make our position on this subject easier to understand, we have put together a list of content that, if posted, would result in a take-down notice:
Pre-Release Footage: No pre-release leaked footage of any kind: Any posting of in-game footage from leaked copies of the game prior to its official release date will be taken down, regardless of how the game was obtained. This includes "early unboxing" videos.
Spoilers: Posting video showing the ending of the game, pure cutscenes or any other big reveal in the story. It's ok to show cutscenes as part of a larger play-through (or in a narrated ‘Let’s Play’ type video) but isolated videos of the game's cinematics will be removed. If you are unsure if what you want to post is considered a spoiler, please contactcopyright@take2games.com and describe exactly what scene you are wondering about and in what context the scene would appear.
In-game Entertainment: We prefer fans to experience these in the context of the game's world, so any posting of these in isolation will be flagged for removal.
Lastly, we do reserve the right to remove content we find objectionable on a case by case basis & to change our policy from time to time but we do promise that if there is anything we do change we will make sure to let you know.
Of course, if you have any questions about this policy, please don't hesitate to ask by sending an email to copyright@take2games.com.
Kind Regards,
Paige B.[DOUBLEPOST=1372434902,1372434866][/DOUBLEPOST]Nothing in the email says I can't post or monetize my youtube videos, I don't believe? Or am I reading this wrong.
Sounds like they say you can post it.. I'm just not seeing the part that clarifies wether or not you can monetize it or not. Anyone?
On there website it says you can't, but it also says if you have further questions or disputes to email them, so that's what I did. So I really don't know.
Sounds like they say you can post it.. I'm just not seeing the part that clarifies wether or not you can monetize it or not. Anyone?

First and second sentence both say non-commercial.

So you can post without monetization as long as you stick to their list of things not to do. Or you can do what Flammy said and try to check if they actually do take down videos for having ads on them and see if you want to take the risk.
First and second sentence both say non-commercial.

So you can post without monetization as long as you stick to their list of things not to do. Or you can do what Flammy said and try to check if they actually do take down videos for having ads on them and see if you want to take the risk.
I've been looking, I don't see anything about it. maybe I'm looking up the wrong stuff.
Nothing in the email says I can't post or monetize my youtube videos, I don't believe? Or am I reading this wrong.

Here is how I would read that:

  • Here are our guidelines
  • as we don't explictly mention monetization being NOT allowed, we are not going to come after you for it
  • however we reserve the right to come after you if you annoy us such as by doing all of these things...
    How you should probably react:
    Go ahead and monetize. You won't be able to monetize everything as the review process on youtube will lightly deny some things but that is part of the issue with using adsense. Just because a single clip (or even 20% of them are denied) that doesn't mean anything, in its own right.