How to re-promote your old videos?


EZ Game EZ Life
Just checked my analytics and some old videos I made are not getting anymore views? What is the best way to re-promote it?

ideas I have are changing tags, titles and resharing on social. any other ideas?
Honestly I don't think trying to revive old content is something worth doing; you're much better off creating newer content.

The only logical reason I can think a mass audience would travel far back down your (or any) channel is to begin a numbered series. :P
You can try using the Cards or End screen on your latest videos to promote some old videos.

Sounds good. I've been using cards recently mainly for polls and endscreen stuff for playlists.

Create a similar video to the video you want to repromote and hopefully it appears in the suggested area.

My videos are already showing in the suggested area. I do a series of a new game still in open beta and it's only a handful of us that make content on the game. the new videos always get views but the old ones get forgotten. any ideas outside youtube?
Sounds good. I've been using cards recently mainly for polls and endscreen stuff for playlists.

My videos are already showing in the suggested area. I do a series of a new game still in open beta and it's only a handful of us that make content on the game. the new videos always get views but the old ones get forgotten. any ideas outside youtube?

I personally use Reddit to repromote old videos.
can you link me a sample of your reddit post? i know we are different genres but i'd like to see how you actually do it. I've red the guide on this forum but i feel i need more lol.

Sure. I'm actually repromoting 2 old videos right now both at number 1.

It literally takes like 1 minute to post and if you know how to time Reddit, it's an easy extra few thousand views. This video usually gets 10-40 views an hour, and you can see it's been boosted to 150 views for the last 13 hours.

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I think its awesome that your videos fall under a lot of subreddits! now gaming videos on the other hand it's just [title of game and youtube promotion subreddits. I need to niche down maybe?