How to prevent/stop harassment in comments?

Whenever I get troll comments I just delete them and block the person. No need to let the negativity live on my channel or in any of my comments. Just remember there are people who will just dislike your video and leave negative comments because they simply have nothing better to do.
My advice would be to immediately delete the comment and block the user whenever this happens. Don't put any energy into responding to them, they crave attention and significance. That's why they are putting other people down, to feel superior. If you respond you are feeding their ego. But most importantly, take none of what they say personally - it's kids that want to feel important. Don't let it get you down. If possible, try and reframe it in your head to find the comments funny. Just laugh at the fact they are such ridiculous comments. Hope this helps, stay positive :)
thanks. yeah, i dont actually take it personally, like im not gonna get sad over it or anything like that. i just want my channel to be a peaceful, positive place, and i dont want any of that bull crap on my channel. u know what i mean? and if its me, i can take it. but i definitely do not want anyone thinking i am not monitoring the comments because i do not want any of my viewers to get harassed on my channel. that would be unacceptable to me.
--- merged: Jun 24, 2012 at 11:35 PM ---
thank you all for the advice. i appreciate the support.
haha thanks i guess. dont they say, the more successful you get, the more haters you get? maybe i should be proud of getting those comments? lol
there ya go! problems fixed. my problem = I get no comments hah! but tbh Ive been on a little break as im waiting for my new mic to come ..... ordered it like a week ago :(
thanks!! I'm not really upset though, my first videos were kind of "tests" just to see if I actually could talk to my laptop while I played video games haha. so they werent too entertaining.
omg my first video was a test too and it was sooo rediculous. i just wanted to see how to film and upload on to youtube. i dont look pretty at all in that video and i was getting strange comments right away, and i was like ooh this is fun, so the next day i posted an official introduction video where i explained what type of channel i intended to have.
omg my first video was a test too and it was sooo rediculous. i just wanted to see how to film and upload on to youtube. i dont look pretty at all in that video and i was getting strange comments right away, and i was like ooh this is fun, so the next day i posted an official introduction video where i explained what type of channel i intended to have.
hhahaha, my first video wasnt even an intro. I just went right in with it, though I sounded sorta awkward at times because I was so new to it,
hhahaha, my first video wasnt even an intro. I just went right in with it, though I sounded sorta awkward at times because I was so new to it,
omg i realized how slow i talk when i watched myself back on camera the first time. i would take long pauses between each sentence and i would say um... like... and had this nervous laughter. i was like, oh god is that what i talk like? i quickly fixed that!