How to grow your youtube channel (easy)

While you're small, you have something very few of the bigger Youtubers have, and that's time to spend with your audience. Get to know them. Notice their comments and give meaningful replies. It's not about a speedy way to the top; it's a journey with the audience you now have. Do subs mean a lot? Yes. Do views count? Yes. But I don't make them my god.

I actively seek advice from larger Youtubers on what challenges I can expect to face at their level when and if I do get there, so I'm not surprised or caught off guard by them when they happen.

Statwise, I have a healthy viewership for my channel's size, and I have actual fans. I've helped people overcome challenges in their lives through my videos. I talk to them, give them advice and moral support on personal issues, even. I'm telling you, that's an excellent way to build trust and loyalty in your audience.
I do believe a lot of this has already been said and it is just really vague stuff. There's usually not a lot of specifc advice for Youtube a lot of it is very vague a lot of the time. But in terms of uploading it depends on your viewers. If you're not getting noticed and you are promoting yourself I believe it is necessary to keep uploading either every day or every 2 days because the more content you have out the more likely it is to get noticed. Granted the longer you spend on videos, the greater quality they will be and that's definitely the way to be but on the other hand, if those videos aren't seen enough then the effort will go to waste. I think a good balance would be to upload every 3-4 days to get good quality and frequent videos.