How to Get Thousands of Views, Even as a Small Channel!


YTtalk Mad
Hey guys! Time for the next part in my youtube tutorial series. This one is talking about how to get your videos ranked on the front-page of youtube and (sometimes) google. Getting on the front-page of relevant search results will allow more people to find your videos, who are not subscribers. Using this method, I am able to hold over 5000 daily views, though I only have 2700 subs. Even at 2000 subs, this method got me several videos with over 20,000 views,

Here is the video if you prefer that method of getting your info, or you can read-on to get it in text form.

This method requires that you have at least 100 subscribers already. If you don’t, refer to my guide on how to earn 100 subscribers here:

So you have 100 subscribers. The next thing you will want to do is go into your settings, make sure everything is in good standing, and click “Enable” live events at the bottom of the page. This will give you the ability to conduct live-streams on your channel, and this is the secret to getting your videos ranked highly, even if you are a small channel.

I am not going to teach you how to livestream in this tutorial, since that is its own bag of worms, but I can suggest looking into OBS or Xsplit. They both have forums that can assist you in setting up a stream. I personally use OBS, and love it. It is free and easy.

So you have your live-streaming program, and understand how to run the software. Now I can help you use this to boost your search results. This works great for gaming channels, but can also work well for comedy, tutorials, fashion, and nearly anything else. It seems that it may not work well on vlogging channels, but if you are willing to do a tutorial or skit as a vlogging channel you can take advantage of this.

The concept is what I have termed “focused live-streams.” Traditionally we think of live-streaming as a gamer hopping online, and playing the game for an audience. This is not that.

To run a focused live-stream, you need a topic or video that you think is searchable. By keeping your eyes on social media, you can often find these. The hard part of this is finding a topic that will be searched, but not be over-saturated. In the past I have done “How to add friends on xbox one,” “How to play clan wars on COD: Ghosts,” and “How to join a crew on GTA V.” These are all topics that people will be searching, but are not flashy enough that large youtubers have done them. your topic does not need to be a tutorial, but needs to be something that you can picture people searching for. This can be un-boxings, reviews, tutorials, skits, whatever you can dream up that people are searching. By looking at trending twitter items in your field, you can come up with some ideas.

Now onto how to implement this. What you want to do is present your topic at the start. You can do this live, or simply play your edited video through the livestream. After you have done your commentary live, or played out your video, you will continue with a livestream. For gamers, this is easy, just play the game. You can find examples of this on my channel. For other channel types, consider a live Q&A or making-of segment. This is where the SEO boost comes in. The longer you are streaming and the more you are interacting with fans, the more you will be gaining comments and watch time. People enjoy talking with you directly, so take advantage of this by asking for opinions live, reading some comments, and answering some questions.

To take full advantage of the SEO boost gained through the focused livestream, you need to make sure that your title, description, and tags are in order. When I set up my title, I usually do it in 3 parts. First, the most relevant and common search string relating to your video. Then a colon, and another way to phrase the same concept. Last, put “Livestream by yourname” to help link your videos together and keep from misleading people about the video.

Here is an example: “How to Play Clan Wars in Call of Duty Ghosts: Clan Wars Tutorial in COD Ghosts Livestream by Ohaple”

You will notice I phrased it two ways, using abbreviations, and using two terms for tutorial (tutorial and how to). This will help you rank for all your key terms.

For the description, use those same key terms, plus others, to describe what you are going to be talking about in the video. Try to use the keywords all multiple times. For the tags, use those same keywords. Be specific, and try to write down every combination of the search terms you can think of.

Here is an example: how to join a clan in call of duty ghosts,how to join a clan in cod ghosts,how to join a clan in ghosts,call of duty ghosts clan tutorial,cod ghosts clan tutorial,ghosts clan tutorial,call of duty ghosts clans,cod ghosts clans,ghosts clans,call of duty app,call of duty ghosts clan creation,cod ghosts clan creation,ghosts clan creation,call of duty ghosts livestream,ohaple,cod ghosts livestream,call of duty clan tutorial,cod clan tutorial

Throw on an attractive thumbnail, and have a good time with your video and livestream!

Let me know if you have any questions and if this has worked for you! It has sure helped me.
This is actually one of the most overlooked avenues of channel growth right now on YouTube. Good guide.
Glad you enjoyed it, the growth I have been getting from it is awesome. I get 1-3 videos a week with more views than I have subs. Had one this week that gained 20k doing this.
What about if your internet isn't good enough to livestream, my upload is 2mb. Could I still do it? Also, could I livestream a 3min video?
I'm lost on your typed tutorial lol.
I'm sorry. I tried to write it clearly, but sometimes I get scatterbrained. Best advice I can give is to watch the video, I might be clearer there, or ask me a question about what you are confused about.
What about if your internet isn't good enough to livestream, my upload is 2mb. Could I still do it? Also, could I livestream a 3min video?
2mb up is enough to do a 720p livestream on youtube, assuming that 2mb is pretty stable. If you are gaming online, you might struggle to keep the proper bitrate.
I would livestream the video, and then continue with some sort of audience interaction (q and a, gaming livestream, a live vlog about the video, something like that.) The purpose of the livestream is to make your 3 minute video into 30 minutes of content, and lots of audience interaction. If you choose an interesting topic and run a stream for 30 min to an hour, you will get the comments and watch time you need to boost some more natural and search based growth.
I've got a 5Mbps connection an stream both 1080p to Twitch and 720P to YouTube at the same time. Works pretty well.
I've got a 5Mbps connection an stream both 1080p to Twitch and 720P to YouTube at the same time. Works pretty well.
Yeah, youtube seems to require more bandwidth for higher qualities than twitch. I think the numbers are (dont quote me on this) 1500kb/s for 720 and 5000kb/s for 1080. I only stream on youtube now because I realized it was a great avenue for growth. I used to stream to twitch, then upload my livestreams as lets plays on youtube, but they didn't show hardly any growth. Twitch is a better platform for streaming, but if your end goal is to grow your youtube channel then streaming on youtube is more beneficial.
My question is that many people have reported that live-streaming on YouTube is actually impossible for Germany (and possibly Austria, where I am from) because of television laws. Does anybody know if that has ever been resolved?

I actually love YouTube livestreams because you can jump back in time and the stream can be "converted" to a normal video after the stream is over, but I haven't seen ANYBODY live-streaming league of legends for example except Riot Games themselves.