How to get MORE VIEWS on your YouTube Videos!?!?!

:up: This this really nice and accurate. I love reading tutorials even though I've almost got it down.
ok so I have a catchy name but know I need a good editing software how much is sony vegas, is it really exspensive because I cant afford like a 500 dollar program
Thanks for making this it's really helpful.
I am already uploading in full HD so that's something I guess, now I only need people to see the wonderful HD :D
these are some good tips. was just wondering wether or not it's worth paying to advertise your youtube chanel and how many videos you should have before considering this ?
Seems like very nice advice. I know for myself that I click away from videos that have lousy video quality, so I totally agree with that.

I see you mention that annotations are important. I know that I hate videos with many and/or big annotations.
Does anybody have any specific tips on size, duration and placement to get noticed but not annoying?

I like to put all the annotations in the top right corner, or bottom left. It seems to be the least distracting.
First thread in this forum that I opened and it's totaly amazing Bro. I learn much thing from this awesome info.
Ah! Yes, that's a well thought out tutorial, can't do bout my name at this stage, can only try and take every bit of advice there is.