How replying to comments = SUCCESS

Another great post on this site! I feel like encouraging people to and replying to peoples comments is one of those things that is obvious when looking back on it but is easily forgotten once the video is posted!

I can't wait to hopefully have a nice little community going on my videos where I can reply to others comments as well as other people replying to each other about my videos.

It does make it easier if you have people commenting in the first place haha!
Sometimes someone will comment on my video and there is no option to reply? What do I do then? I really do want to reply
Comments without a doubt keep your subscribers active, and also attracts others to your channel as well. So it's always good to respond, every single thing you do can make a difference to your channel.
Great post! It always feels good when you've commented on a video and the creator of that video responds, so I always try to do the same for the people commenting on my vidoes. Many of you have mentioned how important this is in terms of getting more subscribers and more views, but actually I think answering comments are pretty crucial in another way. I answer to comments because I love to get response to my videos and I love talking to others and that feels pretty obvious to me. I mean, why would you upload videos in the first place if you're not interested in what the people watching them have to say? Commenting and answering comments is, to me, a vital part of YouTube and a big part why I am making videos.

Once again, great post! Love to read what others have to say about stuff on YouTube:)
I couldn't agree more, especially with the first point. If someone has taken the time to watch your video and commented on how much they like it - or have even given suggestions - take the time to reply back! I know when I comment on a video and the creator has replied to me, it shows me they are interested in what I have to say.

Though I suppose if you had millions of subscribers leaving thousands of comments on each video it might be a little difficult! :D
This is very true,

I have always responded to comments (even a negative one).

Ill tell you the story - i made a video which is light-hearted which took the mickey out of people relating just about anything to illuminati, the majority of people like it - one person comment saying "unsub" which i responded stating that on my channel i sometimes do funny spoof comedy sketches which are light hearted - and if he didn't see the funny side to it then it was my bad.

long story short i value anyone who subs to me and genuinely watches my videos - responding does shoe you care :D