How People Fail At Youtube


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Thought I'd make a thread to outline the many things (I feel) people do wrong when joining youtube, leading to the expected failure of their channel.
* This is not a guide, it's just a few points I'm outlining in the hope people make sure they avoid doing the negatives listed.

Money Grabbers:

This is the one that gets on my nerves.
People who join youtube - almost EXPECTING, to earn money and be like all the top partnered channels they see, almost 99% of the time if you go into youtube with this mentality, you will not succeed simply because your primary focus should not be the money, but your content.

Hobby and Chore misconception:

The second you see video making as a chore, you are doing something wrong.
You need to enjoy what you're doing, not only because your passion/interest will reflect in your content, but because it's a waste of your own time. Your youtube video making is a hobby, the same as playing a sport you like, or watching a genre of films; you do them because you enjoy them - Youtube is no different.

Patience and Persistence:

This is one of the main reasons I think alot of channels fail to make it.
Most people have the intention/would like to be a partner of some kind on youtube right?
The truth is it's quite easy to become a partner, but it DOES take time; again like a hobby - let's say you enjoy playing football, you play because you enjoy it, but you play it enough and you improve. - Youtube IS the same.
The more you video make and spend time video making, the more you will learn and improve - increasing your chance of one day becoming that top youtuber!

Use all the tools you have:

We are on the internet. Don't forget that.
Alot of people may feel they are posting good solid content, but they're still not that top Youtuber, so they either give up, or make no changes.
Youtube have made it so simple with the Analytics system to see exactly at what point your viewers divert attention, how they found your video and all the rest of it - USE IT!
For example, if you notice your viewers are diverting attention after just 7 seconds - that clearly means you haven't drawn them in, so from that data you could ensure future videos include a good opening 15 seconds which draws viewers in!
Furthermore, keep up to date with current events worldwide - whether it's within your specified industry EG Gaming, or general; if you keep up to date then you can incorporate it into your videos and potentially draw more people in!

''Wheres my views and subs?:('':

Ok let's be honest, we've all either said or thought this to ourselves at some point.
This is a very common question people ask - and another for people giving up youtube, and the answer?
They are there. Your subs and views are all around you, you just need to draw them in!
See it as your channel being a magnet that has the potential to attract all these views+subs, you just need to focus on how to bring them in, there are guides to help you with this, but the methods are endless, make sure you interact with everyone and anyone you think may be interested in your channel/videos.

Going to stop here as my fingers are aching, I hope I have helped at least one person, if not I've at least reminded myself as an aspiring video maker what to avoid.

Thanks for reading :)

VERY good post. You should upload because you love doing videos. I made my channel so that I'd have an outlet to express my thoughts and feelings, and people like me for my authenticity. If you're in it for the fame or the money, or you don't enjoy it, that'll be very transparent in your videos. Solid advice, keep it up :)
VERY good post. You should upload because you love doing videos. I made my channel so that I'd have an outlet to express my thoughts and feelings, and people like me for my authenticity. If you're in it for the fame or the money, or you don't enjoy it, that'll be very transparent in your videos. Solid advice, keep it up :)
Very good post! People tend to upload videos because they want to become famous. I simply upload because I think it's so fun and I want to create a social network with people with the same interest! :)

Again: Very good post!