How People Fail At Youtube

Very good post, but I would respectfully disagree on two things.

1. It's not necessarily the best videos that gets the most subscribers and views, I.e. the actual content is important but not quintessential. It's using various social networking sites and tools that yields the best results because you're more visible to people - even if the actual video is crap.

2. The money-grabbers are not as much "in it for the money" as they are "dreaming about the money". To focus on the content, as you're correctly saying, is the right way to actually get money from your stuff. Of course, that doesn't leave out my first comment though, the networking needs to be in order else it doesn't matter how good your video is (unless it's exceptional, but that only applies to maybe 0.1% of all youtube videos).
I think this was great advice, and I do agree with your statements. I don't get why some people start YouTube for the money and/or fame, and then a few weeks later they quit because they didn't get famous. Some people need to realize that your channel can't grow over night legitimately.
This is a very detailed post alongside it being truthful at the same time. Your post is all that you need to know before creating a YouTube channel because if you are mind-set on the task at hand that you will make millions on the first day, you're out of your mind. You need a lot of effort and you need to make time for improving yourself and giving it a 100% to your videos. Thanks a lot for the share! :)
Wow, this is awesome, makes me think jumping into making youtube videos will be a good idea for me; mainly cause i want to learn a new skill which will be editing videos and also it something i have been told i might be good at doing :D
As for the whole aiming to make money from it, i am, but i only wanna make like £1 or something to therefore say google pay me :D (google fan boy here)
An interesting post. Patience seems to be very important. We love what we are doing and we enjoy making videos, but we just want to show our adventures to the world from the moment of upload!
Great post these points are so true if you want to make videos to try and make money just stop. You have to want to make videos for the enjoyment more then anything.
True points, but all of them are pretty obvious. Sad that almost all threads on yttalk are just obvious stuff that a guy with atleast a little brain, can come up with themselves.