How much money you earn from Youtube ?

For Minecraft I can understand the vids are so popular. For COD it's just the same over and over again, only god knows why people waste their time making and/or watching them.

Making content for a popular game means you're fighting for attention.

Making content for old/retro/unheard of games means you're fighting for attention that doesn't exist.

Honestly either way sounds really rough to me.

I won't post how much I make, but I was pleasantly surprised when my first month pulled in 80k views.
After 1 year of hard work I finally started to see a monthly income. Nothing I can live off of, but a decent amount for what I consider a part time job. It takes time and dedication to earn money on youtube. You do not have to be huge on youtube to make some cash, you just have to stick with it and make videos people like to watch.
I got $50 - $100 every month. The more you stick to your network the more income you could get.