How long have you been doing YouTube?

I opened my account in 2007 but didnt upload vids until 2013. Man I wish I started the same back in '07!
Ive been youtubing seriously since the end of July. Have hit a slow patch because of computer issues, but have serious goals/new years resolutions set for my channel.
I started around August of 2015 but wasn't even close to being consistent. I spent so much time saying I wanted to start a channel and didn't that I finally started one to just get myself going. I got serious with my channel at the beginning of Sept this year when my youngest started school. It has helped having some free time prior to me going to work to make content and find a rhythm in my work flow.
I started my current channel 9th Dec just gone, but I have a single 6yo video on an old channel with nearly 7000 views~
I used to make AMVs way back judgiiing. I played around with other things but now I finally found something I enjoy doing which is making animatics and I've been doing this for around 7 months now!