How I get extra views on my videos

This is an excellent way to use your old content to new subscribers who may missed older videos.
From my personal experience most new subscribers watch LOTS of my videos but not all the way back...
Very good and highly recommended to everybody!
Keep up the good job my friend. :up:
I agree with the reply a couple above. This is a good idea, but I don't have enough subscribers yet to really make it work!!
The only thing that would worry me about using this method is spamming old time subscribers with old content that they've already watched. Wouldn't they be upset if they keep seeing old content on their feed instead of new videos that they rather see? i don't know, maybe I'm thinking too much into it :p
Sounds like a good approach to squeeze out some extra views. I still have to build my subscriber base, but when I get more fans I will definitely use this technique!