How do I quit RPM network??? Please Help

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Okay so I joined RPM network didn't take much notice in the contract but hearing what people have said it sounds pretty crap. I did not realize that your Adsense gets disabled while you are part of the network an I was making 300 dollars a month on Adsense alone. So I just started up with RPM but now I want to quit as I do not want to be part of it. I sent an email saying that I want to quit but have not heard back. I've heard that ou have to break the rules or they do to terminate the contract. So do I have to break the contract? I have heard of people giving the company a bad name on the dashboard and getting banned, so do I have to do that to terminate the contract.

Plz help its urgent!!!!!
Okay so I joined RPM network didn't take much notice in the contract but hearing what people have said it sounds pretty crap. I did not realize that your Adsense gets disabled while you are part of the network an I was making 300 dollars a month on Adsense alone. So I just started up with RPM but now I want to quit as I do not want to be part of it. I sent an email saying that I want to quit but have not heard back. I've heard that ou have to break the rules or they do to terminate the contract. So do I have to break the contract? I have heard of people giving the company a bad name on the dashboard and getting banned, so do I have to do that to terminate the contract.

Plz help its urgent!!!!!
You signed the contract, so you have to stick with it... and sorry but I don`t believe you were making 300$ monthly with Adsense with a channel with 27k total views...
This makes no sense at all.. if you were as you say making 300 a month with Adsense..then with RPM you would have made more. At least from what I have read and all. My guess you are not with RPM but with a rival group and trying to give them a bad rap. Just my thoughts.
I was making 300 dollars a month!!!!!!!. The contract says that if I or RPM breach somehow the contract will be terminated immediately. I have heard of ways that people got banned which meant that RPM was disconnected from there account. I just have to find a way to breach
you signed a contract, you did, so you can't get out of it as it's a 1 year thing, and as the other said, it's very doubtful you were making 300 dollars a month with a channel that has 27k views
You can simply contact them. They will answer within 1-2 weeks.
You by the way can't simply end a contract. So if you signed for 1 year you will stick with them for 1 year. And about people saying they are crap. What is your own experience.

BTW, how long ago did you send an email ? And they are helpfull in their chat. At least if you can act normal.

Hahaha got friends click ads. It's against all rules. If you get blacklisted say goodbye to your future lol
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