How did your family react to you being a youtuber?


Liking YTtalk
So I haven't "revealed" it yet but I'm just curious to hear what your guys experiences were regarding that topic?
See ya:)
I havent told a single person so far and Im not planning to anytime soon lol. I like doing things my way and honestly dont feel like explaining to anyone why Im animating even though I have never touched an animating program until literally 4 weeks ago.
But really tho, I dont even consider myself a youtuber. this is mostly a creative outlet for me. :D
They wasnt fussed. Espescially as I didnt give them the channel detail.
My dad eventually go it out of me then had some of my videos on loop at school (He is a teacher)
They wasnt fussed. Espescially as I didnt give them the channel detail.
My dad eventually go it out of me then had some of my videos on loop at school (He is a teacher)

Wasn't that super embaressing for you :D