How did you get better at editing?

Practice makes perfect.

I first learnt editing when i was in middle school screwing with windows movie maker and then graduated to sony vegas. A lot of practice and dedication will get you far.
You could watch tutorials but better than that IMHO is observing how videos, TV shows and movies etc are edited. Observe the timing, the type of music they use, the B-roll between main scenes, the camera angles etc etc. Watch a show like "Real housewives of wherever" - It's a crappy show obv but usually very well edited because they have to fit hours of filming into 40 minutes.
Consistency is key! I also chose a program that I am semi familiar with. Since I am used to Adobe's applications interface, it didn't take me long to get accustom to Adobe Premiere, and now I can't live without it!
Practice of course. Also, watching other similar content teaches you many things as well. I switched from Sony Vegas to Adobe Premiere and my video quality increased, solely because I felt more comfortable in the new program. That’s personal preference though.
Practice over time and you'll get better, after watching a bunch of tutorials I now watch TV shows a lot differently, I watch how they did their edit and what shots they are using, and I take from that and try to improve my own stuff.
Ditto for the above.

Be ruthless. Cut out the flab.

A long video isn't necessarily a good video.

So chop chop chop until it's just how YOU would like it.

Thanks, I do watch a lot of videos of some pretty amazing edits, but I have no clue how they are doing it. I like the whip transition but can't figure that one out.