Has anyone heard of filmsection?

Spam by definition is untargeted mass messaging. If someone is targeted, it's no longer spam, it's now just unsolicited advertising. :) Though certainly a game of semantics.

I agree it's semantics. For me, it makes no difference if it's mass messaging or a single message, it's unsolicited advertising and like @markkaz, I flag them all as spam.

The fact that the person thinks I should be interested is irrelevant. The same could be said for all the messages about people's latest videos, SEO services, etc etc. It's targeted, but I really don't care.

If I was looking for a network, I'd contact them and ask the necessary questions.
I'm sure that @Shane.C was kidding. The reason I mark it as spam is because I have sent emails to the business email address on filmscreen asking that I not be contacted. They clearly ignore my request.

If they don't respect me know, how could you expect any if you signed with them?