Hardest type of channel to run?

Video essay channels produce some of the most impressive and original content around. KaptainKristian is the best.
Probably for is a music or tech channel. Being able to produce music at the start and making sure in the future your fans still like it. Tech channels for most people because not a lot of people are like Unbox Therapy and get free tech and other stuff to unbox
Gaming is pretty easy to be honest, it's just really expensive.
All you need for gaming is a microphone and a PC / Elgato.

The hardest I suspect would be something like animation or Game Theory which includes A LOT of research and editing.
I probably would say. Discovery channel. You have to do so much goddamn research and learn new things. LOL
gaming probably. I mostly think that because a lot of the world doesnt understand watching gaming channels, and you have to find a way to always be interesting, even if the game itself is a very interesting subject.
Animation is by far the hardest to run IMO. It's hard to be consistent, especially if you are a solo artist! Trust me, I know. I'm lucky to have loyal fans on my animation channel. I post like every blue moon or so.
The worst type of channel to run has to be the one you don't enjoy making videos for. It's like a job, if you enjoy it, then time will pass quickly, you will enjoy going back to it.

Personally I've launched a gaming channel, and while it's a saturated market, I enjoy what I'm doing so even if I only got isngle figure views, I'd still make new videos. That said, even though I'm unknown at 22 subs, my videos get views and they get discovered through search because I thumbnail up, tag, and title well, etc. Then people seem to enjoy something about my vids because they stick around for a good %. So I know if I keep putting in the work, I can only get bigger! If I didn't enjoy the process now, I should already have quit!