Other Gangnam style Collab!!

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ATTENTION EVERYONE!!!!!!! ...always wanted to say that :D Everyone that wants to take part in this please film your parts and send them to either my self or Keebzy either upload it on to youtube as an unlisted video and send one of us the link or send it to us Via Skype! Keebzy or Victor Chand! we will be closing this collab in 3 days!! thank you everyone!!
ATTENTION EVERYONE!!!!!!! ...always wanted to say that :D Everyone that wants to take part in this please film your parts and send them to either my self or Keebzy either upload it on to youtube as an unlisted video and send one of us the link or send it to us Via Skype! Keebzy or Victor Chand! thank you everyone!!
What he said ^.^ haha
.........s**t ... I got so swamped with homework and studying that I forgot to film the parts ...... EMERGENCY FILM MAKING MODE ACTIVATE!!
so vic and keebzy, i got awful news .... I can't make the video segment. me and my roommate are SUPER busy studying for our genetics and organic chemistry tests (which are coming up and we procrastinated on ...) I'm going to try and film me just lip syncing to the song tomorrow, but there is literally no guarantees.

I'm mad at myself right now cuz I would have finally been able to collab with you guys with this! ugh. but i'll try my best
the video is made and is uploading :D shoutouts to me, vic, xandru and th3stuffshow for submitting clips to this :D will link when its up :p
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