Gaming Gaming Group - Regularly - New to YT - Any games

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New Member
Hi,I am new to YouTube and only have 11 subscribers but that's after just a couple of weeks. I am looking to form a group which play together regularly, join in on each others series and grow together. To make this work I think similarities are required so if you are like me (about me below), then I would love to collaborate!

About Me:
>17 Years Old
>Live in Manchester

>Sports in general

>I play on Xbox and PC.
>I play Fifa, BO3, GTAV on xbox
>I am open to play any game on PC

Please go and check out my channel and after seeing my channel if you think we would work well together please contact me!

Hey man i'm interested in collabing with you!

i am also from Manchester but i moved to Newcastle like 4 years ago
i turn 18 in a few days and i play the of the games you do too including PC

My twitter: @Harrison4ward
My XboxGT: SmallKingHello (i would change my name on xbox but im not paying £7)
Steam: BackwardsGaming
Hey man, would love to collab with a fellow Manc. I'm a pc and Xbox one gamer. Only play Fifa on the Xbox one, the rest on pc.

Channel: Arena525
Steam: arena525
Xbox live: Arena529

And as a fellow Manc, red or blue?
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