Gamers, help each other!

I think you know my reply, seeing as I've told you before :p But the quality was good, both audio and video were clear and crisp, good commentary topic and it kept me entertained.

Could you review some of my content? :D
I just watched the video in your signature. I like the commentary, smooth gameplay aswell although (and this is not specifically aimed at you) but why is everyone playing CoD? Gets boring. :)
I just watched the video in your signature. I like the commentary, smooth gameplay aswell although (and this is not specifically aimed at you) but why is everyone playing CoD? Gets boring. :)

I actually have a Bullet Run gameplay up, and come october... Medal of honor :D
Just look at my channel in my signature and tell me how to improve etc :)

From what i've seen your commentary style is great, your mic may be just a tad too loud, but still great. The gameplay doesn't really matter, again a commentary is made by the commentary. Your channel background looks very modern and nicely laid out! Overall great channel, you deserve much more subs!
I actually have a Bullet Run gameplay up, and come october... Medal of honor :D
Bullet Run, ey? Sounds interesting, I'll check that out.

Myself I'm playing more RPGs' or action games. I do like shooters though just a while since I played any (with the exception now of Counterstrike GO, which is awesome). I will probably get some CS:Go video up soon, theres some problems though atm (Fraps makes it crash and Xfire doesnt sync the sound correctly.. d'oh).
Bullet Run, ey? Sounds interesting, I'll check that out.

Myself I'm playing more RPGs' or action games. I do like shooters though just a while since I played any (with the exception now of Counterstrike GO, which is awesome). I will probably get some CS:Go video up soon, theres some problems though atm (Fraps makes it crash and Xfire doesnt sync the sound correctly.. d'oh).

My commentary literally outlines the whole game and tips to play it haha :D

CS:GO looks awesome, I'm actually going to pop in battlefield 3 now and try get some decent gameplay :)
Boxing you now :)
Awesome, returning the favor. :)[DOUBLEPOST=1346530057,1346529887][/DOUBLEPOST]
Boxing you now :)
Btw do you know, when I add your channel on the Featured page of my channel, it doesnt seem to add your channel in the box on the Feed or Video pages (those are empty). I saw your channel does have it on every page, meaning you manually added all them on all the pages or it's some setting that I missed?