Comedy Fun Collab With A Good Purpose! Who's Down?

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Hey, all!
Thanks again for joining in on this project. If possible I'd like to have all of the clips in by the end of next week (Friday, October 10th). Remember 1-3 clips of you saying anything to cheer someone up (whether it be funny or motivational). After, you can just upload the video of your clips to youtube as an unlisted video and send me the link along with your first name, youtube channel, and location (state/province/territory and country) you can send that to Thanks again for contributing, I have high hopes for the video :D

@HaydenTankTV , @dizco , @cory husk , @HeyIt'sCindy , @Sprinkles , @longhair , @StacyPancakes , @mkpwnyou , @Waleed Haroon
Friday? Friday. I should have something sent in by then. If I don't, go on without me. (I'd rather be excluded than holdup the production of a thing)
I may not have the best thing in mind, but I'm almost certain it's unexpected and could be quite humorous.
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