FullScreen or ForeFrontTV(BIG FRAME)?!?!

BigFrame is a larger, more concentrated network that partnered large channels like JennaMarbles, MysteryGuitarMan, DeStorm, DaveDays, and TayZonday. I doubt the vast majority of people on YouTube could get in with them, but if you can get accepted and can get them to help you with production and stuff, I'd give it a go.
BigFrame is a larger, more concentrated network that partnered large channels like JennaMarbles, MysteryGuitarMan, DeStorm, DaveDays, and TayZonday. I doubt the vast majority of people on YouTube could get in with them, but if you can get accepted and can get them to help you with production and stuff, I'd give it a go.
Jenna Marbles isn`t with them :p