Do YouTubers have a Responsibility to Moderate their Comments?

generally the commenters police themselves, and sometimes if someone is being a douche, the other viewers have already responded to them and called them out before I get there.

I have deleted a few nasty comments because it just lowers the tone. Basic ones that just say crude things to me. But its bizarre because I'm not even in my videos much.

most of the spam isn't sub 4 sub anymore, but "can I reupload your video to do a dub" *sigh* -_- I give up taking them all down especially now I know they get your home information (ill stop ranting now)

At least they have the decency to ask. Some of my videos (trailer) would be blatantly reuploaded without any credits whatsoever (although I did incorporate my website at the end so it would likely be noticed)
I don't know if responsibility is the right word, but I believe channels should moderate their comments. Pre-internet, people with incoherent, offensive rants didn't have a forum on other people's creations. They didn't write for publications and their letters wouldn't be published by editors. Now with the internet it appears they are everywhere. There's no place for for ignorant comments on my channel. They have the freedom to create their own channel, write their own blogs, and publish their own works in any way they want nowadays. I won't have trolling, or ignorant comments on my channel. I really barely get any - maybe a few intentionally bad comments over all the years. But I will get people actually advocating for having an endangered animal as a pet at least once a month. Those comments get deleted immediately upon my seeing them.
YouTubers can't help what their subscribers put in the comment section. If I see someone bullying another person of course I would delete it, I want my channel to be a safe place for people. Sometimes you can't keep track of every comment, so YouTubers should not be held responsible for what others are writing in the comment section. As long as the YouTuber isn't encouraging hatred then I can't see how their responsible.
I currently moderate all comments, meaning I have to approve each one. However, nothing really shows up that is offensive or too spammy, so almost everything goes through. I've been thinking about taking the moderation off and just utilizing the ban words.