Do You Script Your Videos?

Sometimes I do depending on the nature of the video but most times I'll just wing it but I am pretty good at winging it
I script my videos, not this channel but on another channel that talks about subjects. I do believe scripting gives you the upper hand how the information is being given to the viewers and it's just overall more precise and onto the point, where as if you're improvising or just improvising with bulletin points in front of you, you're not going to tend to remember the right words to convey much of the point because you're going to have to process your train of thought a couple of milliseconds before you tried hitting the point with the perfect description. But of course with practice, you can improvise and convey the message that would hit the spot about a particular subject, though that's going to be a couple of years trained on public speaking level. At the end go with whatever you're comfortable with, scripting make you sound like you're acting out a scenery and improvising is more on a realistic conversation way of speaking, but script can conceive the subject with the right description better where as improvisation interrupts your train of thought constantly before you can catch up to say the perfect words that hit the sweet spot.
I usually don't, I'd say 80% of the videos I make are problems I have not done. If it's a long problem or long video, I'll work it out first, but, then work it out on the spot while I make the video.

I think the most important thing is for people to learn how to learn, learn how to figure out the problems, so I try really hard to do everything from scratch when I make my videos.

I never just look at what I did and make a video.

I guess this depends what kind of video you are making too, mine is a "how to" type channel so the goal is to teach people how to solve math problems.[DOUBLEPOST=1416467505,1416467420][/DOUBLEPOST]Note the only problem with this approach is mistakes, and I guess this applies to any type of video. Mistakes are bound to happen. Since I use zero editing it's a problem for me.
I will make a proper script on paper skipping lines front in back editing taking 1-3 days per script and then when I start recording I throw it out and only use it to keep me on track in between cuts even re designing script mid video to my liking although if it is a more personal video you wouldn't need a script. If I made a video based on my opinions I would use zero script just keep talking and covering subjects until I have enough to make the video and include those errors for bloopers or so. Basically only use scripts as guidelines unless your making a short film
No I don't the only thing that's scripted for me is the outro card but even that varies every time I do one with the odd word added or taken out but mostly played by air.