Do you love your content?

I know some creators just make contents, deemed them good enough, then upload them. Even though, they are not satisfied with their content, they still upload it. Do you even love the videos your making, despite the flaws in it?
I'm certainly satisfied with mine, some videos I just don't like even tho I put loads of effort into it but overall I enjoy editing it
This lol.

Sometimes I work for 10 hours and not even half ot the animation is done but I take a quick look at it and its just so satisfying to see it slowly form into something that was only in my mind before that. :D
Woah! I cannot imagine myself working 10 hours straight in front of the computer. And not even half of that is done? Animation really takes such an effort. I can see how you'd be so satisfied with your work. Animation is a pretty cool thing to do :happy:
I love my content however after time and after my filming and editing skills have improved I look back and think "ohhh i should have done that differently" etc. Still love it there and then in the moment though haha.
Of course I stand by all the videos I've made. One, if I'm making a video and it doesn't feel right then I'll just cancel it. Second even if you don't like yours, saying they aren't good or just ok won't have people coming to watch. So yes. It is a great collection of works
It really depends on the video I'm making personally. When I first started I put everything up even if it was completely out of focus Now if there's small imperfections (maybe slightly out of focus for example) I will refilm the video if it doesn't require a products that I tested but generally I try to keep a standard for my content and if a video I'm editing doesn't meet that standard I will trash it.
I am happy with my 2 videos and I know that things will be better in time, I think the key to success on YouTube is to not quit and to keep practicing !
Ive been pretty critical with people asking them to give me legitimate feedback about my channel. Hearing "hey man i like it" is great but it can be too general. The one thing though that I've made a point to do and have receive good feedback on is sound quality. If anything I love making a point to have my voice clear and crisp, not too loud or quiet/ game audio lower than my speaking voice.
I wouldn't say love my content but I don't hate it either I enjoy what I am doing and if I can make someone's day or whatever then that's even better at times I would say I'm proud of my content and also find myself wondering how to improve.
I often think about how to improve too. I still feel a bit awkward in gameplays so I'm always thinking on how I could do better in the next video
Do you even love the videos your making, despite the flaws in it?
I do love them because I made them to the best of my ability at the time and because the subject matter of the videos are mostly what I personally like anyways.

I sometimes impress myself when I look back at older videos thinking that they're still pretty good even though they're a bit different to how I edit now. I had zero experience in video making when I started, the channel is almost 2 years now so obvious difference in editing but yes I love them all (some more than others haha).